North to Sundon and Toddington (4 Miles)

South to Leagrave (1 Mile)
Directions for Travel:
From the Centre of Luton, go towards Leagrave.
From the M1 Junction 11 go towards Leagrave as follows:
From M1 J11 northbound, turn left onto the Dunstable Rd, towards Dunstable.
Proceed about 100 metres.
Get into right lane and turn right at trafic lights into Lewsey Rd.
Proceed about half a mile.
Turn right at trafic lights into Leagrave High Street.
Proceed for about a mile. This goes under the motorway,
past two sets of traffic lights and under the railway bridge.
Turn left at the roundabout near Leagrave Station / MacDonalds Restaurant.
Proceeed for about half a mile on the Sundon Park Road towards Toddington.
Go straight on at the first mini roundabout.
Go straight on at the second mini roundabout (blue on map) for about twenty yards.
Go past Sundon Park Shops which are on your right.
Sundon Park Baptist Church
is next on the right.
(A) For the Community Centre (red on map) turn into the church drive,
then turn immediately left.
The Sundon Park Community Centre is in portacabins next to the church.
We are in the light blue cabin.
Drive straight through and park on the old tennis courts.
(B) For the elearning Centre (green on map) turn right at the
next entrance after the church.
It is signposted "Sundon Park Youth Centre"
and is a large new curvy building.
Car parking is in front of the building.