/o 39 Bampton Road, Luton LU4 0DD Tel: 01582 508616Annual Report for 2009-10
By the Chairman, Scott Bailey
During the year, we have continued to benefit from the free use of rooms for our weekly "networking" meetings in the Hat Factory. We continued running our club competitions/shows at the Hat Factory.
The number of registered and paid-up members has increased from 7 to 10, although, with visitors and students, we often get more than this at meetings. The annual membership fee is £12.50.
A Programme of events and activities was drawn up and meetings were held weekly throughout the year. The main activities included:
This year we won the IAC North Thames Region's Leslie Gillham Shield with "10:11 Train" by Tim Mason. We entered one team in the IAC Regional Triangle Competition 2010 with documentary "The Clothes Show Live" by Elizabeth Haruna, story "The Sound of Dynamite" by Andrej Iliev and open category "Holmes under the Hammer" by Frank McPartland. We got knocked out in the first round but we got one entry through to the Leslie Gillham Shield, "The Sound of Dynamite" with Peter Farrow playing one of the major roles. We entered the annual Enfield Shield competition at Enfield with "Binge" by Dapo Owalabi, but did not win.
The LMM Library/Archive of digital movies about Luton has grown, with about 60 of the new movies being shot in High Definition Video (HDV1080i). Copies are available for the public on DVD and we have been preparing a movie exhibition called Lutonarium to be shown in May.
Scott Bailey released a new 56-minute thriller, made with members of the club entitled "Spirits".
We profitably put on a filmshow for Marsh Farm Community Development Trust's (MFCDT) Diversity Day entitled "Inspirations" which showed inspirational speakers that we have recorded in Luton over the years. We contributed films for the Luton Arts Festival (B:Fest) held at venues throughout the town
Recently we have experimented with production of Anaglyph 3D movies (requiring cyan-red glasses) such as "Mystic Mountains" by Paul Clarke. We also tried to make some conversions of existing movies with mixed success. This work continues on Anaglyph and other improved formats.
The Future
We have been selected to host one of the five mini-cinemas at BIAFF2010, the British International Amateur Film Festival, using our projection system. The club will get paid for this.
We look forward to a busy year and hope to improve all round.
Scott Bailey (Chairman)
6 April 2010