/o 39 Bampton Road, Luton LU4 0DD Tel: 01582 508616Annual Report for 2011-12
By the Chairman, Scott Bailey
During the year, we have continued to benefit from the free use of rooms for our weekly "networking" meetings in the Hat Factory. We continued running our club competitions/shows at the Hat Factory.
The number of registered and paid-up members has decreased from 9 to 8, although, with visitors and students, we often get more than this at meetings. The annual membership fee is £12.50. Students get 100% discount.
A Programme of events and activities was drawn up and meetings were held weekly throughout the year. The main activities included:
This year we entered one team in the IAC Regional Triangle Competition 2012 with documentary "Water World - Bulgaria" by Frank McPartland, fictional story "Back to the Cuckoos Nest" by the Club members and open category "Under a Spell" by Frank McPartland. We came second equal in the first round.
The LMM Library/Archive of digital movies about Luton has grown to over 1100 entries, with over 150 being shot in High Definition Video (HDV1080/25i) and 13 in Stereo 3D (AVCHD1080/50p MVC). These have been documented on our website. Copies are available for the public on DVD and Bluray disks.
We progressed with our LCST funded Cultural Olympiad Project. Overall the nation-wide "Cultural Olympiad", a £90M arts project, is aimed at creating support, interest and involvement for the London 2012 Olympic Games. Our tiny part of this involved filming Luton's potential Olympians. We filmed interviews with the athletes, their coaches and supporting friends and family, together with the athletes performing at qualifying events. We also filmed other Cultural Olympiad arts performances in Luton. We have prepared and shown a multi-screen movie exhibition called Lutonarium - Cultural Olympiad in the Hat Factory.
Scott Bailey completed a fantasy feature film "Crystal of the Gods", made with members of the club and others. He used extensive green screen filming in the Hat Factory to overlay actors onto film locations such as Snowdonia, Ashridge and the Derbyshire Peak District. A public showing was given at the Gospel Pentecostal church hall where we also showed "Divine Solution" by Dapo Owalabi . Members helped Dapo Owalabi, who has been working on a new film "The Child of the Kingdom" for his church. We profitably put on a film show about the "Hadrian's Wall Walk" by Graham Matthews for Caddington History Society (CADDHIST).
We have started production of stereo 3D movies in 2012 and now include 13 of them in our archive. Members made a multi-camera recording of "Humpty Dumpty" at the Grove Theatre for the Girl Guides.
The Future
We look forward to a working on the sequel to "Crystal of the Gods" and to more 3D productions.
Scott Bailey (Chairman), 5 Apri; 2012