Luton Movie Makers - Recent Club Movies

28 Jan 05: Warriors of Hastings
Set in the year 1066, a tale of a Saxon family who get drawn into the violent conflicts of the time to preserve their very existence.

02 Oct 03: The Great Strain Robbery
About: A robbery that goes so wrong it becomes a real strain for the robber

Featuring Scott Bailey as the Robber and Robert North as the Policeman

21 Aug 03: Global Warming
About: The bitter struggle between the Government and the Miners

Staring Victoria Hayford as Margaret Thatcher

31 Jul 03: All Those Present
About: A science fiction club meeting - visited by a real spaceman who wants to join the Committee.

Featuring Christopher Barbary, Scott Bailey and Paul Clarke as the Committee

28 Mar 03: April Fools Advertisement
About: A Fine British Port !

David Robinson's hands feature prominently.

Title: Sympathy
About: A nurse consoling an old war veteran.
Cast: Nurse, Old Man
Supporting: None
Scenes: Hospital waiting room
Period: (Adapt to) Present
Size: 8 pages

Title: The Blockage
Kitchen Sink Drama
About: A Blocked sink calls for drastic measures; Enter Mr Rammit-Rod.
Cast: Man, Mr Rammit-Rod
Supporting: None
Scenes: Kitchen
Period: Present
Size: 3 pages

Title: Global Warming
About: A Cabinet meeting at No 10 comes to a decision.
Cast: Mrs Thatcher, Minister for Industry, Minister for Education
Supporting: Two or more other cabinet ministers
Scenes: Cabinet meeting room with a table
Period: 1980's
Size: 2 page

Title: All Those Present
Science Fiction
About: A science fiction club meeting - visited by a real spaceman.
Cast: Three Committee members (any sex), Spaceman (as sound effects only)
Supporting: Other members (any number)
Scenes: Club meeting room
Period: (Adapt to) Present
Size: 1 page

Title: Happy Old Man (60-Second Movie)
About: A young lady walks past an old man who looks happy. She asks why.
Cast: Young Lady, Man
Supporting: None
Scenes: Veranda
Period: Present
Size: Half a page

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Last Revised: 2 Jan 08