Produced movies are listed with a genre in brackets, e.g. (Doc), (Drama), etc. otherwise entries are raw source.
__Date___ | Event | Length Min:Sec | Author | Record Format PAL | Distribution Formats PAL | Online Distribution Format |
25 Oct 21 | Welcome to Luton poem by Dim Aak Luton News 20.10.21 (Doc) This poem by a lifelong Lutonion refers to a Welcome to Luton sign claiming to be innnovative, vibrant, ambitious and proud. It highlights the lack of democracy - decisions made behind closed doors, spending millions on airport and ignoring its climate emergency declaration. At 81 I am the only person to have films of Luton Council meetings on budgets and protests. None of the local or national environmentall groups or parties has stepped up help with social media to publicise how Luton is being run. | 5:04 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
01 May 21 | Lawns - do not cut in May BBC1 2.5.20 - Luton harrowed its wildflowers along A505 in 2020 (Doc) This BBC film shows it is better for wildlife to mow lawns once a month and how to test with a small section. They want people to share photos to help the research. Why then did Luton Council harrow the wildflowers they planted in 2019 along the A505 (they were such a delight and lifted people's spirits) just as they had grown to a foot high in Spring 2020. According to one resident's FOI request, the answer was that they were annuals and had to be reseeded for the next year! By Autumn 2019 it was an expanse of 4' high weeds but no wild flowers. On April 29 2021 the Council in its wisdom has harrowed the whole area. Whether they will grow again this or any other year is anyone's guess. What qualifications do those running Luton Parks Dept have? HELP iS NEEDED TO GET LUTON COUNCIL TO SHOW RESPECT FOR ITS CLIMATE EMERGENCY AGREEMENT AND STOP LENDING AIRPORT MILLIONS SO THAT IT CAN PAY OUTSTANDING DEBTS TO THE COUNCIL, WHICH IS THE OWNER. It is a poor reflection that at 81 and a novice, I am the only person to film Council meetings over the past years and no-one from any environmental group or party or local f/b groups for the protection of Wigmore or Wandon Parks has answered pleas to take over the challenge. Please look at some on their Budget Meetings and building over Wigmore and Wandon Parks. Thank you. | 11:10 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
04 Apr 21 | Demo against the Bill to increase police powers to control protests Luton 4th April 2021 (Doc) Speakers:- Mark, Luton Trades Union Council; Palestine Solidarity Campaign; Ijo Khan, Co-ord Muslim LGBT Network for Luton, who stated that this demo was not against the police who were only doing their job in trying to uphold the law; Jeremy, Luton, Rep for Extinction Rebellion; HS2. One of the speakers said that Luton Police allowed EDL and other far right organisations to march through town without hindrance. Please watch Stacey Dooley's documentary showing hundreds of muslims marching through town shouting "to hell with English police", "We only believe in Sharia Law", "All non-muslims will go to hell". The police were watching from a distance but did nothing to intervene. During the Black Lives Matter gathering in Whitehall in 2020, the police were faced with hundreds of people within inches of them despite the pandemic. Even when some defaced the Cenotaph and Winston Churchill's statue, the police had a very calm response. The vigil on Clapham Common - hundreds surrounded our police and some started prodding and poking the police. Despite trying to reason with them, in the end the police had to try to physically move them back. Our police risk their lives every time they go on duty and we should support and respect them, not continually criticise them. I have many films on youtube of Luton Council Meetings, inc Air Quality Control and building on Wigmore Park for Airport expansion. Despite signing a climate emergency, Luton still plans to fell hundreds of trees on Vauxhalll Way and build over Wigmore Park for airport expansion. Sadly in 7 years I have found no environmental party or group or local action group to help with social media or filming. Do you know anyone who cares? What is needed is someone to take over the challenge to hold LBC to account instead of leaving it to an 81 year old novice. | 38:24 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
09 Mar 21 | Luton Full Council Meeting March 9 2021 Building houses on Wandon Park (Doc) This meeting was to propose building houses on Wandon Park by Foxhall Homes, which is wholly owned by Luton Council. Many Luton Councillors are directors and shareholders. It had been discussed at an earlier meeting and deferred to be heard by Full Council. There had been a large local protest group against the loss of this important local amenity. The "replacement" was a short distance away but in the next County. Police had expressed concerns over safety as new park area had many exit points and could not be seen from houses. Councillors strongly expressed their residents' anger at the idea of building on this green field site. | 17:13 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
08 Mar 21 | Luton Executive Committee Mtg 8 March 2021 Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report (Doc) Item 8 was a report by the Service Director Finance, Revenue & Benefits It was presented by Andy Malcolm, Labour Cllr for High Town, Portfolio holder for finance at Luton Council and Chair of LLAL (London Luton Airport Ltd) which is owned by Luton Council. He churlishly acknowledged money received from the UK Government, said it was not what they had asked for, but failed to mention the £35M which the Government has lent them.This lasted about 6 minutes and rest of meeting was held in private. Luton Council has borrowed many millions of pounds to lend to the airport while cutting services to residents. .This is Luton's idea of transparency.This lasted about 6 minutes and rest of meeting was held in private.This is Luton's idea of transparency. SLAE (Stop Luton Airport Expansion) website has many details of the huge sums lent to the Airport. | 9:44 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
24 Feb 21 | Luton Development Control Cttee 24 February 2021 Airport Way - Century Park (Doc) The above application was first considered at on 27 March 2019. where there was a resolution to grant permission subject to, amongst other things, a legal agreement.The above application to Development Control Commttee on 24 February 2021 was for Members to confirm their earlier decision to approve the application. (In other words they had already made their decision) This film shows Planning Officer David Girtler showing slides of proposed development, for a dual carriageway, an hotel, offices, warehousing and other buildings on Wigmore Park, which is a County wildlife site and huge roadworks on nearby roads for access to this industrial area.. He admits in the film that they have breached the town plan. He also talks of Luton Council's Climate Emergency Declaration in 2020. He states that a resident claimed that it should have been referred to Secretary of State as the huge roadworks represent a strategic highway project and were not included in original application to the Sec of State. David Girtler also mentions the Government's higher priority for air quality since the 2019 decision. Luton has one of the highest levels of pollution in the UK and this will greatly increase this.with the destruction of this huge established green space - the only one in this part of Luton. | 19:01 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
17 Feb 21 | Luton Full Council Meeting Budget 17 Feb 2021 Excerpts from Andy Malcolm's presentation (Doc) This film contains excerpts from Luton Full Council Meeting Budget on 17 Feb 2021. It shows Labour cllr Andy Malcolm, portfolio holder for finance at Luton Council and chair of LLAL (London Luton Airport Ltd) a wholly owned company of Luton Council, giving his presentation of the budget. Our Government has just arranged a loan of £35M to Luton Council due to lack of income from airport. It was a very long meeting and I have been unable in 7 years to get help with social media from any of the national or local environmental groups or the local action groups to protect parks, etc. At 8.01 mins David Franks, Lib Dem Ldr, queries how they can forecast £20m income a year when airport business is practically nil. Andy Malcolm states that, if it were not for income from the airport, every household would have to pay an extra £500 pa, .In a regretful tone he says, "But I would not be able to increase council tax by that amount!! " I have other films on youtube regarding Air pollultion, Wigmore Park Please watch and let me know if you can help. Thank you Doreen Steinberg | 15:10 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
04 Feb 21 | Luton Town Hall 4 February 2021 Flag at half mast for Sir Capt Tom Moore (Doc) This video was take on 4 February 2021 showing the flag at half mast for Capt SirTom Moore who raised £319 million for the NHS and raised everyone's spirits during the Covid 19 pandemic. He reminded them that "Tomorrow would be a good day". Piers Morgan said on GMTV on Feb 4 that Tom Moore put the Great back into Great Britain. | 3:25 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
25 Dec 20 | Jethro Christmas Day 25.12.2020 (Doc) Jethro opening presents from Angela - made film as it was too large to attach to email. | 0:42 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
21 Dec 20 | Hitchin Garden Centre 21.12.2020 (Doc) Beautiful Christmas display at Hitchin Garden Centre 21.12.2020 including polar bears and penquins - many room settings with various coloured ornaments and fireplace, trees, and table layed for Christmas lunch. A really uplifting sight, especially the polar bear looking at himself in a mirror. | 1:07 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
02 Dec 20 | Wandon Park, Luton, Planning Meeting 2.12.2020 - to build houses on part of park 02 Dec 20 (Doc) This was a two and a half hour skype meeting. This covers the last part of the meeting.Councillors, Council Solicitor and planning rep were all on earlier in the meeting along with some residents and reps of Wandon Park. Lib Dem Leader Cllr David Franks in this part queries why the concerns of Beds police have not been addressed by Vauxhall Homes, a fully own council company. The proposed new houses would leave the park less safe for children as they are in front of current houses so would be unobserved. The same is true of the proposed replacement land in Herts - it is isolated and children would be less safe. Cllr Gilbert Campbell raised the issue of building on a green field site. The Council reps agreed that it was against the town plan. | 14:40 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
11 Nov 20 | Armistice Day Luton 11.11.2020 (Doc) This shows the very limited ceremony for 2 minutes silence outside Luton Town Hall due to Coronavirus restrictions. It also shows a short excerpt from the Royal British Legion's Service of Remembrance 2020 at the Royal Albert Hall on 7.11.20 recommending that people watch the whole service. In some ways this was more memorable than past years despite the almost empty Albert Hall. It was a fitting tribute to all those who have died for our freedom and are still returning with life changing injuries. The Service was joyful and included outside events, such as at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, Sir Tom Moore and film of those who had lost their sons and daughters and those who have helped in the Coronavirus emergency. Vera Lynn sang "We'll Meet Again" Prince Charles addressed the nation. The military bands were wonderful and had to adapt their marches to ensure self distancing. | 11:05 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
09 Nov 20 | Whipsnade Zoo 3 November 2020 before closing for a month due to Coronavirus lockdown (Doc) Whipsnade, like most of England's entertainment, hospitality and businesses has to close for a month on November 5 because the earlier 4 month lock down earlier in 2020 | 9:03 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
05 Nov 20 | Whipsnade Zoo, Bedfordshire, 3 November 2020 day before closing for a month due to Coronavirus (Doc) Whipsnade Zoo, Beds on Nov 3rd 2020 before closing, along with most businesses, leisure and hospitality venues in England for a month. This follows a 4 month closure earlier in 2020 in an attempt to bring infection rate of Coronavirus down. As the infection rate has risen, Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, in accordance with advice from the advisors who do not all agree, has imposed another month's restrictions from Nov 5. It is an unknown virus and people should not blame Boris. It is very sad that Whipsnade has had to close as they did so much to put in measures to keep people safe. There are huge open spaces both in and around Zoo and it is a shame that they could not just have been told to close inside areas. It is important that people are able to access fresh air for their mental and physical health. It is hard to see how a month's lockdown can succeed when 4 months had no long term effect. It might be necessary to learn to live with the virus. In the meantime we all have to be positive, try to follow the rules and do all we can help others. Fear and panic are the worst enemies, | 0:27 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
03 Nov 20 | Luton Let's Talk Meeting Wigmore & Stopsley Nov 3 2020 - Is Wigmore Park a reg community asset? (Doc) This was a 2 hour meeting and this part covers discussion on whether Wigmore Park is a registered community asset and queries who owns it - Luton Borough Council or the Airport. | 13:41 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
25 Oct 20 | Coronavirus Luton October 2020 (Doc) This film encourages people to follow Coronavirus rules, unlke three Luton Labour councillors who flaunted the rules of self distancing, numbers at gathering and wearing of masks. Fear and panic are the worst enemies. It reminds people that this will pass and to remember all the beauty which surrounds us and the healing power of nature. It shows flowers in my garden despite it being 24 October 2020. It also shows three letters from the Luton News 21.10.20 from residents complaining at Luton Council saying that there was no case to answer because they were not on duty! This week Council Leader, Hazel Simmons, has put out a notice stating that infections are on the rise in Ludon and telling residents to follow rules! | 2:41 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
28 Sep 20 | Item 7 Luton Overview and Scrutiny Board 28.9.20 Update on Luton Airport Air Quality (Doc) This item was an update from LLAL (London Luton Airport Ltd) Air Quality Impact progress report from Exec Mtg 24.9.20. Councillors said how upset they were that all their months of work when they had meetings residents, members of XR, Friends of the Earth, Green Party, schools and schoolchildren seemed not to have been properly considered. They wondered about the purpose of the Task and Finish Group of the Overview and Scrutiny Board. As of Oct 2929 another consultation askng for views on airport expansion has been issued. | 16:46 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
28 Sep 20 | Luton Overview & Scrutiny Board 28.9.2020 Item 7 LLAL Air Quality Impact update from Exec 14.9.2020 (Doc) Luton Overview and Scrutiny Board 28.9.2020 Item 7 London Luton Airport Air Quality Impact TFG Progress update from the Executive meeting of 14.9.2020. It began by the Chair sayig that there was nothing more the Board could do - nothing could be changed. Members expressed their discontent and felt that their report and all the hard work had been ignored. The Chair or the Board said he wondered what purpose the Scrutiny Board served. They had put in a lot of work and several meetings had been held with the public, including members of Friends of the Earth, XR, Friends of Wigmore Park, Green Party and children from local schools, discussing health problems caused by air pollution and congestion. One new councillor said that he was very disappointed as he felt the Council had not listened and he felt it was just a paper exercise. One of the councillors asked for it to be returned to the Exec to be considered again. | 17:14 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
28 Sep 20 | Item 7 of Luton Overview and Scrutiny Board Sep 28 2020 (Doc) Item 7 of the Luton Overview and Scrutiny Board on Sep 28 2020 is the Luton London Airport Ltd Air Quality Impact progress update from Exec Committee 14.9.2020.. The Chair of the meeting said that this item was only for info - nothing could not be changed. The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board wondered what their purpose was when their report had been ignored. He said that they had spent a lot of time meeting groups such as XR, Friends of the Earth, the Green Party, Friends of Wigmore Park, residents and school children who had expressed their concern over climate change, pollution and congestion. | 18:37 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
27 Sep 20 | Vauxhall Way, Luton.Roadworks associated with Airport expansion 26 September 2020 (Doc) This film covers a period of months showing the devastation caused by these roadworks which have been ongoing for about 8 months. The Government gave Luton Council £1.1 million pounds for this work and they were determined to spend this money despite a passionate objection to it voiced by Lib Dem Leader, David Franks at the Overview and Scrutiny Cmmttee 19.12.2019 pointing out the futiity ot the plan . The whole process is futile and you will see how dangerous these works are - not even temporary road markings to show give way at huge roundabouts or warn drivers of unmarked pedestrian crossings. Many trees were felled at the height of the nesting season. The contracters worked through the Cornaviron Pandemic with no social distancing. The Luton Mayor and 2 other councillors at the height of the pandemic attended a party without masks or social distancing, which made headlines in the National Press. They are still councillors! Some officers blame Robin Porter, Chief Exec, for saying the matter should be invesigated with speed and transparency, You would think any council officer would agree with this idea but this is Luton, not known for its democracy. Unanswered racist complaint against Cllr Dave Tarylor. - their response was to make him mayor a few weeks later. | 10:22 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
12 Sep 20 | Priory and Minister Church of St Nicholas, Gt Yarmouth and Fishermen's Hospital 12.9.2020 (Doc) This film shows the Priory and Minister Church of St Nicholas, Gt Yarmouth, both inside and out, with details of St John's Charter, the organ, memorials etc, It also shows the Fishermen's Hospital and the Terrace Restaurant at the Imperial Hotel overlooking the Promenade and beach. | 6:49 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
13 Sep 20 | Dangerous roadworks at Vauxhall Way, Luton. Government gave Luton £1.1m (Doc) This film shows the very dangerous and poorly marked roundabout at Vauxhall Way, Luton, associated with airport expansion despite the fact that they do not have permission to expand. Many hundreds of trees would need to be felled and the loss of habitat and damage to the environment would be enormous.At present Luton Council has run out of money but they still plan to go ahead so the cessation of felling is only temporary, However it is the first time they have amended their plans on snything despite pleas from residents,Friends of the Earth, XR, Green Party, Friends of Wigmore Park or Save Vauxhall Way trees. | 13:22 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
16 Aug 20 | Three Star Coaches Luton Trip to Southend 16.8.2020 - All safety measures in place for Coronavirus (Doc) Three Star Coaches, Luton, along with all other coach companies, were off the road for 4 months due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Their first trip was on Aug l 2020 to Bournemouth. Everyone was thrilled to be able to go to the sea and also to support Three Star Coaches and their staff. Everything was done for passengers' safety - It is a little disconcerting having a gun pointed at your head for the temp check - everyone wore masks, there was a sanitiser at the entrance to the coach , passengers' names were on seats and notices telling people to leave certain seats empty to ensure social distancing. This trip to Southend was on Aug 16. It was the first cool day for weeks but that made it all the more enjoyable. Southend beach was spotless and had been raked. Seagulls flew around diving for food. Tomassi's Cafe had its usual lovely food - the whole front was open so it was cool. The Pier and the train were well patronised but everyone kept the social distancing rule.The Beach and Terrace Cafe have delicious hot doughnuts. It was a lovely day - the forecast rain did not arrive until we were due back on coach and then it continued all night so we were very lucky. Looking forward to more day trips and a return to normality. The Cornavirus will pass - just be brave and careful. | 03:51 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
25 Jul 20 | Woburn Abbey Carriage Ride 25th July 2020 (Doc) Wonderful hour long ride around Woburn Estate. We were met by Susan Richmond, Personal Asst to the Duchess of Bedford, who had liaised the visit and thanks to her suggestion of an earlier time the day before we had a wonderful ride before the rain poured down for the rest of the day. Lady Kiloran, one of the family, who was a delight, told us much of the history and regaled us of her time there are a child. Sadly Luton plans to destroy Wigmore Park a County Wildlife site, despite recently signing a climate emergency declaration | 7:17 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
19 Jul 20 | Saywell Rd Luton Path much used by dog walkers UPDATE Finally cleared 10.7.2020 (Doc) This is a large area much used by dog walkers and has been completely overgrown for some months despite Luton Council mowing other inaccessible areas to the ground, such as the hill shown at the other end of Saywell Road. UPDATE After two films and letters to the Council on July 10 this was finally cleared Many thanks to Hazel Simmons, Leader of the Council and her team. I hope it will not be allowed to become impassable in future. | 3:50 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
18 Jul 20 | Luton Full Council meeting Emergency Budget 14..7.2020 Part 2 (Doc) See Part 1 below for details.. | 49:11 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
18 Jul 20 | Luton Full Council Meeting Emergency Budget 14.7.20 on Skype PART 1 (Doc) This meeting was to explain what cuts were necessary. Cllr Andy Malcolm, for High Town, Chair of Luton London Aiport, which the Council owns, and lead Cllr for Finance for past 8 years presented the budget. Luton Council has borrowed many millions of pounds for the Airport over many years. However the whole tone of this meeting was to lay all the blame for their financial crisis at the door of our Government. They sent a petition for 10,000 to Parliament last week asking for millions and complain because they did not get it. Our Government has done more than any other in the world with their furlough scheme, loans to business and support to councils. In this meeting questions about loans to the airport were left unanswered. This meeting was only discovered by chance - no notice on facebook groups.Last week the Zoom meeting for Let's Talk Wigmore was recorded but Council said they did not have a copy. Several residents asked that future meetings should be recorded in the interests of transparency. So far the Council has failed to provide film of this meeting! So this is my film taken from laptop durng meeting. In this film you will see the arrogant indifference to residents' needs and great rudeness towards Cll David Franks, Lib Dem Leader when he questioned Airport loans. | 86:36 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
30 Jun 20 | Saywell Road, Luton, path much used by dog walkers still completely overgrown 30.6.2020 (Doc) This path between Saywell Rd and the A505 has been completely impassable for some weeks. Luton Council has been sent earlier films and asked to clear it. Strangely the Council sent someone to clear the entrance and about 6' leaving the main area still impassable. You will see Luton Council has cleared the field at the other end which has a padlocked gate but ignored this much used area. They also cleared a bank on the left of Saywell Rd where no-one walks. | 3:09 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
30 Jun 20 | Saywell Road, Luton Fly Tipping 30.6.2020 (Doc) Two shopping trolleys dumped here full of rubbish 30.6.2020. When Luton Council had names and addresses of fly tipping on 27.12.2019 they never followed it up despite the enforcement officers collecting one of the parcels with proof of identity of culprit. | 1:17 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
26 Jun 20 | XR Climate Change Protest Luton Town Hall and Labour Parties Office 25 June 2020 (Doc) This is a protest by XR (Extinction Rebellion) because Luton is still going ahead with plans for airport expansion despite having signed a climate emergency recently. Letters were delivered to Luton Town Hall and the two Luton Labour MP's. A speaker pointed out that Luton has borrowed so much money for the airport and the DART transport system despite saying that they are up to their eyes in debt and going to the Government for a loan. They blame everything on the Coronavirus and take no responsibility for the debt or their mismanagement of finances. Now they threaten big cuts to services. Wigmore has never received money from the airport -they always say how lucky we are to have the Airport as it bring in so much revenue. | 12:23 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
17 Jun 20 | Saywell Road Luton Overgrown area by A505 17 June 2020 (Doc) The Council were informed and sent film of this impassable area 2 weeks ago. Someone from the Parks Dept came and cleared the first few yards by the entrance leaving the wide area much used by dog walkers covered in 6' high nettles, brambles and elder trees. Strange Luton Council mow the roundabouts to the ground instead of leaving the wildflowers which were planted some years ago to reseed and lift people's spirits. | 0.33 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
08 Jun 20 | Saywell Road Luton path to 505 and large open space for dog walkers is practically impassable (Doc) Saywell Road Luton 5 June 2020 - path to 505 and large open area used by dog walkers. Entrance is blocked by nettles and the area inside is covered in huge weeds - the sticky ball shaped seeds could get into dogs' ears and do stick to clothes. In wet weather residents' clothes will be soaked, if they can make their way through this jungle. Strange since Luton Parks Dept mow roundabouts to the ground when they could at least let buttercups grow and provide food for birds. They also recently rotavated a large part of the central reservation on the A505 when the wild flowers they had planted in 2019 had reseeded and grown to a foot high. If left alone they would have flowered for years. | 0:11 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
07 Jun 20 | Wild Flowers along central reservation of A505 by Inspire Luton planted 2019 (Doc) This film shows timescale when these wild flowers were planted on the A505 in Luton in 2919 from bare earth, small plants to full flowering beauty. In 2020 they were rotavated when they had reseeded themselves to about a foot high leaving just dust. Also shown is the area in Crawley Green Rd which was planted some years ago when many Luton roundabouts were set with wild flowers and were a delight. These have survived due to angle of area. What qualifications do Luton Parks Director and managers have that they could wreak such devastation? | 5:20 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
04 Jun 20 | Vauxhall Way, Luton Drive the length showing trees to be felled (Doc) This is a drive the length of Vauxhall Way, Luton, proposed dual carriageway for airport expansion. Luton Council began felling trees in April - the height of the bird nesting season Tree felling stopped after Luton News article on May 6th and my two films - Is Luton felling hundreds of trees for cycleway and footpath and Why is Luton felling hundreds of trees at height of Bird nesting season? | 10:10 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
03 Jun 20 | Vauxhall Way Luton roundabout a few bedragged wildflowers 1 June 2020 (Doc) This film is taken at Vauxhall Way Roundabout, Luton, near the Vauxhall plant. Some years ago Luton Parks Dept planted many roundabouts with wonderful wildflowers. Because they had them mown to the ground these are all that are left. It also shows wildflower planting at the end of Crawley Green Road - still full of wildflowers because they have escaped the grim reaper because of the angle of the planting area. This is proof of what all the other roundabouts would have been like if left alone. | 3:24 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
20 May 20 | Wigmore Park, Luton, broken glass by changing room building 20 May 2020 (Doc) Smashed bottle by the changing room building in Wigmore Park, Luton, 20 May 2020. So dangerous for little children and dogs. Justice would be for those who did this to walk over it in bare feet. Luton Council plans to build over this County Wildlife site for Airport expansion. Friends of the Earth, Friends of Wigmore Park and Extinction Rebellion have been trying to preserve this wonderful park but their arguments and pleas are ignored by Luton Council which shows no commonsense, concern for the environment, or residents' health, which will be damaged by increased pollution, congestion and lack of open space. Luton Council has borrowed millions for the Airport and are now pleading poverty due to Coronavirus effect on air travel. They say the Airport brings in £20 million a year but Wigmore never receives anything. | 1:29 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
17 May 20 | Near Accident Vauxhall Way Luton roadworks for Luton Airport expansion (Doc) Luton have been undertaking huge roadworks for Airport expansion. They plan a dual carriageway, although roads at either end are normal roads. This involves the destruction of hundreds of trees at height of bird nesting season, despite their declared climate emergency. This film shows very clearly the danger of no visibility at the Vauxhall Way roundabout due to high barriers and driver's eye level. | 3:09 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
17 May 20 | Wigmore Park Luton Skateboard area broken glass UPDATED 17 May 2020 (Doc) This is an update on the earlier film last week when a broken beer bottle was on the skateboard area and had been brushed to the ground where dogs and children could be injured. After the earlier film Luton Council had the area extremely well cleared of glass. Now they should check which council employee brushed it off the metal area | 5:32 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
13 May 20 | Wigmore Park, Luton, 12 13 May 2020 Skateboard area with broken glass and " People will die" sign (Doc) This shows broken glass on the skateboard area - it was brushed onto ground for dogs or children to hurt themselves. It also shows sign "People will die on locked playground during Coronavirus lock down. If Luton cared about residents' health they would cancel Airport expansion plans and stop felling hundreds of trees on Vauxhall Way. Please see my films on youtube - can anyone help bring democracy to Luton? | 4:43 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
03 May 20 | Coronavirus lock down BMA says treatment of over 70's is discrimination and calls for relaxation (Doc) BBC News May 2nd Tomorrow's papers recording - discussing Times article in which BMA says treatment of over 70's is discrimination and unacceptable. Everyone agreed that over 70's should not be targeted regardless of health as many were healthier than some 30 year olds. | 11:26 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
27 Apr 20 | Stockwood Park, Luton 26 April 2020 during Coronavirus lock down (Doc) For those unable to access outdoor exercise or are too far away, this is Stockwood Park in Luton. Come and enjoy the scenery. Luton is felling hundreds of trees on Vauxhall Way for cycle lane and footpath to go beside proposed dual carriageway associated with Airport expansion. Please see youtube Luton Council flouting Coronovirus advice on lock down | 3:13 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
24 Apr 20 | Is Luton Council felling hundreds of trees on Vauxhall Way for footpath and cycle way? (Doc) Luton Council has already broken Government Corovirus instructions by having construction workers working on the roundabout at end of this road and the felling of trees to construct a dual carriageway associated with Airport Expansion. | 4:25 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
21 Apr 20 | Luton Council flouting Government instructions on Coronavirus lock down (Doc) Luton Council have workmen cutting down hundreds of trees along Vauxhall Way for Airport expansion work. These trees are being felled on both sides of the road although the dual carriageway would be on the left. A workman said they had been told to speak to no-one but refer them to Luton Council. Recently a resident wrote complaining that the roadworkers were not self-distancing and a local councillor wrote saying that they knew they were going against Gov guidelines but it was necessary to get the work down that weekend and there would no further roadwork. So why are they still there? | 5:40 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
19 Apr 20 | Luton Airport huge earthworks during Coronavirus lock down 17 April 2020 (Doc) Luton Airport has many lorries and earthmoving equipment working non-stop building high mounds of earth. This is during the Coronavirus lock down when only essential work is authorised. How many people will these drivers have infected on their journeys to and from the Airport? | 4:26 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
19 Apr 20 | Luton felling many hundreds of trees along Vauxhall Way at height of bird nesting season (Doc) Luton Council is felling hundreds of trees along Vauxhall Way at height of bird nesting season re roadworks for Airport expansion, despite recently having declared a climate emergency! They plan a dual carriageway although roads at either end are not. This is Luton - do no expect commonsense, logic care for residents' health or the environment. | 4:43 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
16 Apr 20 | Green bag of rubbish dumped in a green bin in Saywell Rd, Luton, 16th April 2020 (Doc) A green plastic bag full of unwashed bottles, tins, filthy food container, orange peel and unrecylable items, such as plastic bags and cellophane, was dumped in green bin after it had been emptied. Perhaps the worst thing was proof that the culprit is obviously not following recycling rules in their own bin. | 1:37 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
15 Apr 20 | Laws on Self Distancing ignored in Luton April 6 2020 on roadworks due to Airport expansion (Doc) Luton Council decided to do a lot of road works in Stopsley, A505 and Hatters Way due to Airport Expansion despite great opposition. Part of this involves making some of it a dual carriageway although roads at either end are not. Where is that traffic going to go? Every road is gridlocked at rush hours now. They are destroying hundreds of trees at nesting time on April 15 2020. | 4:52 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
12 Apr 20 | Fly tipping in Saywell Rd Luton 12 April 2020 large sheets of glass and broken tv (Doc) Fly tipping in Saywell Rd Luton with large sheets of glass and broken tv | 1:42 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
07 Apr 20 | Luton Airport expansion work going ahead April 6 2020 despite declaration of Climate Emergency (Doc) Despite Luton declaring climate emergency, work is proceeding on Airport Expansion April 6 2020. Plans to build over 70 acres of Wigmore Valley Park, Luton, a County Wildlife site, thereby greatly increasing pollution and congestion. | 5:19 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
09 Mar 20 | Orphans - elephant memorial Marble Arch 7.3.20(Doc) This is a wonderfully, moving group of 20 Bronze baby elephants walking towards a 3 metre high Mother elephant. Each calf is modelled on one at the Sheldrake Worldwide Trust and it is to raise awareness and money to look after these orphans, which are victims of the ivory trade and the greed of people. | 7:48 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
08 Mar 20 | The Orphans, memorial to elephants at Marble Arch, London 7 March 2020 (Doc) This is a wonderful very moving memorial - 20 bronze baby elephants walking towards a Mother elephant. They are modelled on those at the Shelldrake Wild Life Trust and the Mother figure represents their lost mothers. | 0:26 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
08 Mar 20 | Fly tipping in path off Saywell Rd Luton including bag with faeces 7 March 2020 (Doc) Someone dumped this black plastic box which is supposed to be used for bottles to be collected by Council in path off Saywell Road nr Bloomfield Ave Luton on 7 March 2020. Street Services work hard to keep Luton clean and come quickly to remove things which have been fly tipped. What kind of cretin thinks this is acceptable behaviour? The faeces around the top of the carrier make this a health hazard as many children walk through this path. | 1:18 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
01 Mar 20 | Luton Railway Station 27 Feb 2020 pillar box unuseable for years and info sign minus info. (Doc) Luton Council is continuously whining about lack of facilities at the town railway station such as lack of lifts to all platforms which is disgraceful. However surely this out of use pillar box and info sign lacking any info is their responsibility | 1:25 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
22 Feb 20 | 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz - Luton Council Brings Shame on Town (Doc) On the 75th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz in 2020, Luton Council brings shame on Town by having wrong date of memorial service on their website. Piers Morgan - Esther Rantzen, Nicholas Winton, That's Life the best journalism ever. | 13:25 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
14 Feb 20 | Air Quality Impact Group Luton Town Hall 6 February 2020 Rudeness to a 9 year old boy (Doc) Children from several Luton schools were invited to speak. This is an excerpt covering the arrogant rudeness of some of the councillors to Zade Cotterill, a 9 year old resident whose Mother, Carolyn, has been fighting for clean air in Luton and opposing building to the East of Luton for many years. | 3:48 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
13 Feb 20 | Fly tipping in Saywell Road, Luton 11 February 2020 (Doc) Some moron left this rubbish in Saywell Rd, Luton between 7.30 pm and 10.30 pm on Tuesday 11 Feb 2020. This was removed on the 12 Feb within hours of photos and complaint being sent to Hazel Simmons, Leader of Luton Council. Great improvement on fly tipping on 27.12.19 which was not removed until 4 Feb 2020 despite them having culprit's details. | 2:19 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
01 Feb 20 | Luton Roadworks Stopsley Way, Airport Way, Vauxhall Way re Airport expansion plans (Doc) Luton Council destroying more trees despite having declared a climate emergency. This scheme was discussed at Luton Scrutiny and Overview Cttee on 19.12.19 but sent to Exec which waved it through, despite admitting there were unaswered question on overall road plans | 4:05 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
23 Jan 20 | Extinction Rebellion Protest against Luton Airport Expansion 18.1.2020 (Doc) Extinction Rebellion protest against Luton Airport Expansion 18.1.2020 outside Luton Town Hall. | 16:03 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
23 Jan 20 | Fly tippng off Saywell Rd Luton by 505 Dec 27 2019 updated 22 January 2020 (Doc) A man parked his car on Dec 27 2019 and made 4 trips to the path to offload rubbish from his car boot when there is a tidy tip within a mile. January 22 2020 rubbish still uncollected. Enforcement team have box with name and address of culprit so hopefully he will be prosecuted | 0:53 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
19 Jan 20 | Luton Exec Ctee mtg 13 January, 2020. Millions of debt and plans to destroy many trees (Doc) Treasury management report - Residents burdened with millions of debt and many trees will be destroyed for road works re. Airport expansion - Hitchin Rd, Stopsley Way and Vauxhall Way. | 13:43 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
12 Jan 20 | Luton Overview and Scrutiny Board 19 Dec 2019 PART 2 (Doc) Luton Scrutiny Mtg Dec 19 2019 part 2 re roadworks in Hitchin Rd, Stopsley Way, Vauxhall Way related to Airport Expansion. Approval was refused. Following a proposal by Lib Dem Leader, Cllr David Franks, it has been sent to Exec Cttee on 13.1.20 at 6 pm in Luton Town Hall How can anyone think that planting trees in Ashcroft Rd Park could help with the increased pollution caused by the proposed destruction of many trees along these roads? | 21:45 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
12 Jan 20 | Luton Overview and Scrutiny Mtg Dec 19 2019 PART 1 (Doc) Luton Overview and Scrutiny Mtg Dec 19 2019 re roadworks in Hitchin Rd, Stopsley Way, Vauxhall Way related to Airport Expansion. Approval was refused - it has been sent to Exec Cttee on 13.1.20 at 6 pm in Luton Town Hall | 31:47 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
04 Jan 20 | Climate change meeting lst Residents' Panel 11.12.19 Luton Town Hall part 2 (Doc) This is part 2 of the lst Residents' Panel meeting on climate change. Carolyn Cottier challenges Laura Church on whether correct procedure was followed when Luton Council gave themselves permission for road through Wigmore Park. Members of XR speak passionately about lack of action on climate change. | 21:25 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
28 Dec 19 | Fly tipping in path off Saywell Rd, Luton by A505 27 Dec 2019 (Doc) There have been many cases of fly tipping on this path in the past. Why would anyone drive here to unload this rubbish when there is a tidy tip within a mile? | 0:25 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
28 Dec 19 | Climate Change Meeting - Citizen's Panel, (part 1) Luton 11 Dec 2019 (Doc) First meeting of Citizen's Panel on Climate Change in Luton Town Hall 11.12.19. Part 1 introductions of people from Extinction Rebellion, Friends of the Earth and other residents. | 19:42 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
22 Dec 19 | Let's Talk Meeting Luton Airport Expansion Ramridge School 9 Oct 2018 (Doc) Discussion on consulation regarding airport expansion - residents felt that their concerns were ignored. Worries about traffic, pollution and loss of hundreds of trees. | 22:41 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
06 Dec 19 | Luton Air Quality Task Group Meeting, Arndale House Luton 3.12.19 (Doc) Concern over Airport Expansion effects on pollution and traffic congestion This is first part of meeting showing the need for films of meetiings. Is this another effort of Luton Council to thwart democracy? There was confusion over venue until that afternoon. | 7:23 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
24 Nov 19 | Luton Prospective Councillors Meeting Oct 2018 - How Council works (Doc) How Luton Council is set up and where responsibilities lay. They say it is all transparent but not many residents would agree The meeting went on longer and Angela Claridge spoke about HR and Scrutiny but the film would have been too long for Youtube | 18:10 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
21 Nov 19 | Armistice Day 11.11.19 - Luton finally pay respect which was missing in 2017 (Doc) Luton Council held ceremony for Armistice Day 11.11.19 but did not even show it on their website the previous night. I found out by chance from 2 councillors at Remembrance Sunday event the previous day. | 13:35 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
21 Nov 19 | Luton destroys conifers the length of the cemetery on A505 to Hitchin 2019 (Doc) Luton destroys mature conifers thereby increasing pollution on the A505 towards Hitchin and depriving mourners of privacy. | 6:46 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
20 Nov 19 | ER demo at St Francis Church, Luton 15.11.19 against Airport expansion (Doc) This demo by Extinction Rebellion (ER) was to protest about Luton Council's propaganda presentations advertising their second proposal for airport expansion. They plan to build over Wigmore Park which is a County wildlife site. This will greatly increase air pollution and traffic congestion. | 3:31 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
10 Nov 19 | Air Quality Cttee Mtg Luton Town Hall 12 March 2019 (Doc) Meeting of the Air Quality Control Cttee Luton Town Hall 12 March 2019 - residents told there were no meetings in Luton Town Hall that evening. Terry Keens Lib Dem Cllr who was in the chair spoke in a loud and aggressive manner to resident Doreen Steinberg. | 1:54 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
24 Oct 19 | Meeting 9.10.19 re new Airport Expansion Consultation (Doc) Anthony Aldridge announced a new consultation for Airport expansion. Claims to be giving bigger park - but it is ploughed field to replace 40 year old flora and fauna with wildlife loss and increased pollution and congestion | 23:15 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
14 Sep 19 | Luton Meeting to choose interim Chief Exec Dec 2018 (Doc) Trevor Holden, who had spent 8 years as Chief Exec, was returning to Norfolk Council. During this time he spent 9 months running 3 councils. | 10:13 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
5 Sep 19 | Clacton Air Show Day 22.8 2019 and Luton's lack of respect for dead servicemen (Doc) Clacton on Air Show Day 22.8.19 with the beautiful memorial garden. Luton had no-one at War Memorial on 11.11.17 to even let residents know beginning and end of 2 mins. silence. This is in line with their complete lack of respect for English people and culture. | 4:38 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
2 Sep 19 | St James's Park, London 29-30 August 2019 Pelicans, heron and squirrel (Doc) The adult pelicans were all on the island and the young ones were on the grass near the fence. Two of the young pelicans are grooming themselves. | 1:46 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
2 Sep 19 | Fly tipping Saywell Rd Luton huge pile of leaves headed for landfill 29.8.19 (Doc) Saywell Rd Luton - huge pile of leaves dumped - now headed for landfill. Street Services bin men informed Highway Services who came immediately. Luton Council reduced bin collections recently - how many bins would these leaves fill? | 1:53 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
28 Aug 19 | Luton plans to destroy Wigmore Valley Park to build 2nd Terminal and car parks (Doc) Luton Council plan to destroy Wigmore Valley Park, for 2nd terminal and parking. Luton is already one of the most polluted and congested towns in England This will greatly increase pollution and congestion | 4:18 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
18 Aug 19 | Luton's Coronation Meadow Limbury Park July 2019 (Doc) Luton's Coronation Meadow in July 2019 - not one wild flower. Prince Charles gave each county money to plant a Coronation meadow a few years ago. Limbury Park never had one wildflower - quite an achievement. | 8:47 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
7 Aug 19 | New Aldi Store Gypsy Lane Luton refused 30.7.19 but Wigmore Park will be build on (Doc) New Aldi Store in Luton refused because it is on green space - Strange Luton plan to build on 70 acres Wigmore Park for Airport expansion. | 14:57 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
30 Jul 19 | Extinction Rebellion outside Luton Town Hall 30.7.2019 Climate Emergency (Doc) A full council meeting in Luton - one of the items was to discuss Declaring a Climate Emergency. Jason Doyle of Extinction Rebellion discusses electric cars etc with Labour Cllr Dave Taylor | 3:37 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
27 Jul 19 | Ollie Martins, Beds PCC, agrees that £20 million could be saved by change in custody procedures (Doc) | 2:59 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
21 Jul 19 | Fly tipping in Saywell Road, Luton 16 and 19 July 2019 (Doc) Path from Saywell Rd Luton to A505 - more fly tipping on July 16 and Saywell Rd Bloomfield Ave Luton - large bag with others inside dumped on July 19 2019 Luton wasting money trying to be UK City of Culture 2025. | 2:13 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
17 Jul 19 | Saywell Road, Luton Fly Tipping 16.7.19 (Doc) Luton - fly tipping is a common occurrence in Saywell Rd. Luton and often this path is blocked preventing dog walkers from accessing the large open space by the A505. Please see other films | 0:34 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
10 Jul 19 | Saywell Rd Luton -- impassable grassy area by A505 10.7.19 UPDATE on 8.9.19 film (Doc) UPDATE on 8.9.17 film Large open open grassy area completely overgrown making it impassable for dog walkers who have used it for 40 years. | 3:31 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
8 Jul 19 | Saywell Road Luton and overgrown path by A505 (Doc) Can anyone help with social media skills to hold Luton Council to account? | 3:39 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
8 Jul 19 | Fly tipping - MAGGOTS IN LUTON 7.7.19 They want to be a city (Doc) 2 wheelie bins dumped in pathway in Saywell Rd Luton 7.7.19. One had maggots crawling over the lid. This is a frequent occurrence. Luton wants to be a City! | 3:07 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
17 Jun 19 | Citizens in Policing Volunteer Appreciation Evening 13..6.19 Luton (Doc) Jon Boutcher, Chief Constable Bedfordshire, thanking volunteers and his own staff for all their hard work. Lovely venue, food and friendly atmosphere. | 7:31 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
16 Jun 19 | Beds Chief Constable, Jon Boutcher's speech at Citizen's In Policing Volunteer Evening (Doc) This is Jon Boutcher's, Chief Constable for Beds, speech thanking all Beds volunteers and praising the efforts of all in Beds Police. Sadly Jon Boutcher is leaving his post in Bedfordshire in July 2019 and he will be very much missed, | 7:04 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
14 May 19 | EXTINCTION REBELLION 22.4.2019 and Luton Airport expansion (Doc) Extinction Rebellion protestors at Marble Arch, London, on 22.4.2019 and Luton's plans to destroy Wigmore Park for Airport expansion. Traffic which is grid-locked now on all roads into Luton morning and evening will not move at all if this goes ahead. | 6:24 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
06 Jan 19 | Wigmore Park, Luton Dog Walk 2.1.19 Council to build over whole park (Doc) Luton Council plans to build over this whole County wildlife site increasing residents' exposure to pollution and congestion. Please help | 5:28 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
06 Dec 18 | Fly tipping in Saywell Road, Luton Dec 3-5 2018 (Doc) This area is regularly used by people dumping loads of rubbish often blocking a path used by children and dog walkers. Luton recently changed black bin collection to once every 2 weeks instead of every week. Luton Council ignored Mr Akbar Dan Khan's appeal on behalf of Muslim Community at recent meeting. Hazel Simmons failed to respond to request for policy on why Enforcement team left Environmental Crime Scene notices re Nov 16 fly tipping but failed to inform Street Services. They said that they thought they knew the culprit and were going to write and ask them to remove rubbish - how long would that have taken? Surely they should have taken legal action. | 6:44 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
04 Nov 18 | Stop Luton Council destroying Wigmore Park - Dog walk 4.11.18 (Doc) Many residents and their dogs walk monthly in Wigmore Park - Luton is planning to cover a second terminal and road all over the Country wildlife site and are ignoring residents' concerns | 4:41 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
28 Oct 18 | All Saints Church, Houghton Conquest - £400,000 of lead stripped from roof (Doc) All Saints is a beautiful 14th century Grade 1 listed building. It is left with a £400,000 bill to replace lead stolen by thieves when they stripped the whole roof of lead in 2018. The Bishops of St Albans and Bedfordshire plan to visit in the next few months. There is a just giving link for anyone wishing to help preserve this wonderful building. Just giving link | 4:07 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
16 Sep 18 | Luton Council borrows £300 million unsecured loan for Airport and an Iman prays in Arabic (Doc) Luton Council agrees to borrow £300 million for Airport expansion. Lib, Dem Leader David Franks challenges why it is unsecured. This would result in the destruction of Wigmore Park, increased pollution and congestion. An Imam chants a prayer in Arabic followed by something in English - this took 4 mins of 30 min mtg. | 31:22 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
28 Aug 18 | Luton putting residents at risk of heart problems and damage to intelligence (Doc) BBC reports on damage caused by pollution - to hearts and intelligence Trevir Gi= | 4:36 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
19 Aug 18 | Luton Exec Cttee Mtg 23.4.18 Community Centres returned by Luton Cultural Services Trust to Council (Doc) Luton Council agrees that Luton Cultural Services Trust can return responsibilty for more community centres. Cllr Paul Castleman said Luton Culture should be held accountable for the millions it receives for libraries. Wigmore was closed 4 years ago despite 72,000 visits a year and a 10,000 petition leaving whole area without internet or library access. | 6:15 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
07 Aug 18 | Wigmore Valley Park Luton and Incinerator at Hoddeston Herts Mtg July 17 2018 (Doc) Stop Luton Council building on whole of Wigmore Valley Park which is a County Wildlife site. Hertfordshire want to build an incinerator at Hoddesdon near Harpenden whose fumes will be directed to Luton | 4:49 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
07 Jul 18 | Peterborough Cathedral July 5 2018 900th anniversary year (Doc) Inside Peterborough Cathedral 5 July 2018. Setting up for Graduation celebration that night. Brian McDonnell Guide at Peterborough Cathedral on 5 July 2018 | 3:42 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
01 Jul 18 | Ely Cathedral Festival of Flowers 23.6.18 inc views from West and Octagon Towers (Doc) This was a trip organised by Three Star Coachss of Luton. It was a perfect summer day. The flower displays were wonderfujl. The tours of the Octagon and West Towers are fabulous and give a completely different view of the Cathedral and its surroundings. The guides were very informative. | 5:02 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
28 May 18 | REX HARRISON requests lift to his doctor. (Admitted being warned to behave before leaving home) (Doc) Rex Harrison, known for his rudeness, thanks Doreen Corris (later Steinberg), his secretary for 4 years, for driving him to his doctor. She said she would be happy to drive him anywhere if he was calm as he was that day. His reply "I was well warned before I left home". This warning would have come from his wife, Elizabeth. | 1:51 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
11 May 18 | Cockernhoe Wood Nr Luton 23 April 2018 (Doc) Film of Cockernhoe bluebell wood which will be damaged if planned development happens in adjoining fields. | 4:33 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
29 Apr 18 | Luton Exec Ctee Mtg 23.4.18 Community Centres to be self funding (Doc) Luton Cultural Services Trust has handed back responsibility for 5 more Community Centres to Luton Council. They will have to be self-funding like Raynham Way and Bushmead or close after a few years. How can amateurs succeed when the Council and trust with millions of public money find it impossible? Please see Raynham Community Centre Fun Day on youtube | 6:35 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
11 Feb 18 | Lumiere London 2018 (Doc) Fantastic light installation, from Grosvenor Sq, Oxford Circus, Regent St, Piccadilly, Leicester Sq, Trafalgar Sq, London Eye, Westminster Abbey, Westminster Cathedral. The following films are a tribute to London during and after WWII inc Blitz, Churchill's speeches and funeral, Wonderful Royal Family, parks and museums. Love Affair with London part 1 Love Affair with London part 2 | 6:37 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
14 Dec 17 | Christmas at Kew 2017 (Doc) Fire and Light show at Kew Gardens December 7 2017. Wonderful atmosphere and music. Kew is lovely at all times but it is magical in the dark. | 14:29 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
5 Dec 17 |
Memorial Gates Constitution Hill, London to Indian and forces (Doc) Memorial to 5 Million volunteers from Africa, India and the Caribbean in WW I and II | 5:30 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
2 Dec 17 |
Bomber Command Memorial, Green Park, London 20 11 17 (Doc) Luton Armistice Day 11.11.17 Ignored by Luton Council. Bomber Command memorial to 55,573 airmen from the UK, British Commonwealth and Allied nations who served with RAF Bomber Command and lost their lives over the course of the 2nd World War. Luton must be the only town, village or meeting place, including shops, gyms, etc, which had no official at their War Memorial to even let people know start and end of the 2 minutes silence. Despite this total disrespect for those who gave their lives for our freedom, Luton is attempting to be Best Council. I hope this travesty never happens. | 2:44 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
15 Nov 17 | Ian Ferguson busking in Luton on November 12, 2017 (Doc) Ian Ferguson brought warmth and joy to Luton on a freezing cold day in November 2017 | 2:14 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
13 Nov 17 | Armistice Day, Luton, 11 11 2017 ignored by Luton Council (Doc) Filmed outside Luton Town Hall on Armistice Day 11.11.17 - No-one from the Council, church or official organisation was there even to let people know the start and end times of the 2 minutes silence. In previous years Council and members of various religions addressed the residents from the steps of the Town Hal,l which is opposite the War Memorial, and a Salvation Army bugler played the last post from the balcony at the beginning and end of 2 minutes silence. It was left to a wonderful veteran from the British Legion to recite "At the going down of the sun..." and to thank people for coming. He said that he was glad that a few remembered 11.11. Is there another town or village in England which ignored this important event showing respect for those who gave their lives for our freedom? Luton did have a wonderful parade on Remembrance Sunday but 11.11. is acknowledged everywhere throughout the world as a time to remember the sacrifices made and are still being made by those who died or are still suffering to keep us free. Most stores in town, including Asda in Wigmore Luton, which supported our fight for the library by giving us their foyer for a week to get signatures held the 2 minutes silence. The 10,000 handwritten petition was described by Maggie Appleton, CEO of Luton Cultural Services Trust and now CEO of RAF Museum in Hendon, as just signatures. - That is democracy in Luton! Respect for English people, customs and culture are denigrated by Luton Council who are always boasting of their multi-culturism and social cohesion. I have not met many who agree. Everyone in the crowd on the 11th expressed their disgust at the lack of respect by Luton Council. Please see Discrimination against library closures in Luton Luton's Coronation meadow, Wigmore Valley Park - devastation of 70 acres of County wildlife park. I have been trying for 4 years to get Luton Council to behave democratically - if you could help with social media please contact me on Facebook Luton Libraries Arise. | 8:23 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
9 Aug 17 | Daughter of police officer killed on duty appointed Chief Constable for the day (Doc) Bedfordshire Police appointed a new Chief Constable for the day yesterday (Tuesday) the daughter of a police officer killed on duty. Maggie Henry, 11, took the helm for the day to see what life is like behind the scenes at the force. Her dad, PC Jon Henry, was killed ten years ago on 11 June 2007 while on duty in Luton town centre. | 1:45 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
15 Jul 17 | Wigmore Valley Park Luton - destruction of 70 acres (Doc) Luton Council together with Luton Airport, which it owns, plans to build a road and commercial units on 70 acres of this County wildlife site which was planted 40 years ago on a landfill site and has a great variety of plant and bird species including orchids. This goes against their corporate plan - protect and enhance parks and open spaces. Give children wild spaces to run free. | 4:41 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
14 May 17 | Fly tipping Highover Close Luton 14 May 2017 (Doc) Building material dumped in Highover Close Luton 24 May 2017 blocking 2 parking spaces. Luton Council failed to prosecute culprit of Oct 2016 Saywell Rd fly tipping despite proof | 0:15 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
29 Apr 17 | Frank Batt, Poet FILM (Doc) Frank Batt reading some of his own poems, mostly set in Bedfordshire. Frank's poetry is a mixture of amusing and serious poems bringing the past to life in many cases. Frank is a long time member of the Toddington Poetry Society which meets at 7.30 for 8pm at Hightown Community and Arts Centre, Concorde St, Luton LU2 0JD on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. All poets and lovers of poetry are welcome. Please see their Facebook page. | 30:21 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
26 Apr 17 |
Steven Eagell Toyota, Luton April 2017 (Doc) Steven Eagell Toyota - everyone was friendly and professional. Buying this car was a pleasure. I highly recommend this dealership and its staff. | 1:55 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
31 Jan 17 | Luton discrimination in library closures on 31.1.14 and update 31.1.17 (Doc) Luton closed 3 libraries on 31.1.14. despite having one of the lowest literacy rates in the country. This is a recording of Roberto Perrone of 3 Counties Radio interviews with Maggie Appleton, CEO of Luton Cultural Services Trust at the time, Claire Lee campaigner for Sundon Park Library and David Birtwhistle, resident. It shows FOI document proving the Maggie Appleton's lie that more than half of the Trust's funds were for libraries and would continue to be so after closures. Update 31.1.17 - 3 years later Wigmore and Sundon Park libraries stand empty as proof of Luton's discrimination against non-Labour areas. Luton Cultural Services Trust and the Council have behaved dishonourably - they ignored a 10,000 petition for Wigmore with 72,000 visits a year. No-one sees detailed accounts as they claim immunity as a charity despite receiving millions of public money from Luton Airport. | 12:10 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
21 Jan 17 | Theresa Gazard reading her poem Life of two halves 21 1 17 (Doc) Theresa Gazard's poem "Life of two halves" comparing her life before and after being diagnosed with Parkinsons' Disease and its comparison with her love of Luton Town Football Club | 2:55 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
31 Dec 16 | Raynham Way Comm Centre Luton - Council's farewell gift - lunch on 18.12.16 (Doc) Early in 2016 Luton Cultural Services Trust informed Luton Council that they were handing back the keys to Raynham Way and Bushmead Community Centres as they could not fund them due to cuts imposed by Luton Airport on instructions from Luton Council. Closures were announced and following protests the Council gave residents until Nov 2016 to provide business plans to prove they could be self funding from April 2017. Since this involved becoming a charity which took until Nov 2017, before which they could not apply for general fundraising, who could believe this was a possibility? | 5:46 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
18 Nov 16 | Shame of Luton Council - closed Wigmore Library 2014 despite 10,000 petition (Doc) Luton Council never gave the option to keep Wigmore Library but said that it would move into a smaller one in Raynham Way Community Centre. When Labour later opened access points in Labour areas, David Franks, leader of the Lib Dems, wrote to Narinda Bhurlay, Dir of libraries at Luton Culture, saying that he hoped something would be done for Wigmore. Her reply was that Raynham Way was a completely unsuitable building. Therefore their consultation was a farce and an insult to democracy. Residents of Luton would expect nothing else. | 4:03 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
15 Aug 16 | Inspire Sports Village Luton - Sexual and Racial Discrimination (Doc) Luton's Inspire Sports Village causes outrage by changing Friday mixed session to men only with dress code of cover from waist to knee. Women sent to small shallow pool. | 4:26 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
05 May 16 | Bluebell wood in Cockernhoe 2 minutes from Luton 2 May 2016 (Doc) This wonderful wood is a place of peace and relaxation at all seasons and is easily accessible to the residents of the nearby crowded area of Wigmore and Luton in general . Sadly the field next to it and a lot of land around Cockernhoe is due to be covered in houses shortly despite all roads into Luton being grid locked at rush hours. Luton Council never listens to residents. Wigmore has been deprived of library and internet service since 2014 despite a 10,000 petn and 72,000 visits a year. This was described as just signatures. If you can help please go to or facebook Luton Libraries Arise. | 2:15 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
23 Mar 16 | Luton Council failing children's safety in Limbury Park play area yards from a river (Doc) Luton Council say they cannot keep replacing vandalised wooden fence around the children's play area. Barry Tims, Head of Parks, wanted to remove it but then offered a metal fence on the river side. Surely a play area needs to be a safe, enclosed space so that parents can relax. What is to stop tiny children wandering through the three open sides and drowning? Luton Council should replace a complete metal fence as soon as possible before a tragedy occurs. Luton Council spends money like a man with no arms on a huge flashing sign which costs £600 pw inside the interchange and also on rising bollards. Simply because they do not have the wit to install good advance warning signs in Church Street telling drivers that only buses can enter. | 4:31 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
20 Mar 16 | Limbury Park - Campaigners' victory as meadow is axed (Doc) Luton Council forced to do an embarrassing u-turn after digging up only flat area of Limbury Park for a Coronation meadow. They had beautiful Mini Golf meadows in Wardown Park in 2015 in association with the University of Bedford. Let them use those. | 5:22 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
3 Mar 16 | Queen's Coronation Meadow Limbury Park Luton (Doc) Proof of Luton Council's arrogant dismissal of democracy - they have deprived residents of the only flat area which has been used for generations for picnics and football. Wonderful meadows were created in Wardown Park in 2015 for which the mini-golf course was used. | 11:22 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
7 Feb 16 | FILM Luton council shunned by electorate - 14.8.2014 (Doc) Description - Luton's residents' contempt for this Labour Council. Hazel Simmons, Leader, was there for an hour but only had Sian Timoney, Deputy Leader to talk to most of the time | 2:00 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
1 Jan 16 | Ukie Toones Christmas Gathering 23 Dec 2016 (Doc) Ukie Toones make everyone welcome at their twice monthly meetings either to play, sing or just enjoy listening. They are available for private functions and give all their fees to charity. Ukie Toones played at Raynham Way Community Centre, Luton, fun day in August 2016. This was held to raise money as Luton Council say that it has to be self-funding by April 2017. It was blowing a gale but they brought sunshine to the day. Ukie Toones also played at Raynham Way Christmas lunch (see film on Youtube) - Luton Council's farewell gift. They had everyone up dancing. | 9:04 | Doreen Steinberg | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
4 Feb 14 | WSPNB Library closure campaign (Doc) WSPNB at a library closure protest, Doreen Steinberg an activist campaigining in search of the truth took centre stage as she lead a group angry at the loss of a vital community hub. | 8:21 | Doreen Steinberg/ WeSavePeople NotBanks | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
4 Feb 14 | WSPNB Interview #16 Doreen Steinberg - Save Libraries, not banks (Doc) Interview 16 with library campaigner Doreen Steinberg from Luton who with a team of other ladies, has been campaigning for truth and justice on the closure of crucial libraries in the town of Luton. For more info please visit their website: | 7:25 | WeSavePeople NotBanks | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
24 Apr 09 | Love Affair With London Pt 1 - Doreen Steinburg (Doc) Doreen Steinberg's digital story, for DCTV. The film is a Homage to London, Churchill, the Queen Mother and a personal journey through WWII | 7:05 | Doreen Steinberg dctvmedia | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |
24 Apr 09 | Love Affair With London Pt 2 - Doreen Steinburg (Doc) Doreen Steinberg's digital story, for DCTV. The film is a Homage to London, Churchill & the Queen Mother. Covering Churchills funeral and BBC records of the day - with Original Cine Film, the British Museum and the queen mothers funeral | 6:00 | Doreen Steinberg dctvmedia | 1080p MPEG-4 | Request | Youtube - Doreen Steinberg |