Short Play Summaries
Title: New Faces Author: Paul Clarke Type: Fiction About: A middle aged couple who go to an old school re-union and make an unexpected discovery. Cast: Man, Wife, Old Teacher Supporting: 2 ex-school girls, 1 ex-school boy, Other ex-pupils Scenes: Living room, in car, view from car, school hall (full), school room Periods: Twenty years ago and Present Size: 2 pages Title: The Cat's Out of the Bag Author: Paul Clarke Type: Mystery About: How a cut-throat company get rid of a redundant person. Cast: 2 Men Supporting: Other Office staff, Loud men's voices Scenes: Two offices Period: (Adapt to) Present Size: 2 pages Title: The Bargain Type: Mystery About: A man who goes to the hypnotists for a prank. Cast: Man, hypnotist, receptionist, a drinker, girl friend Supporting: Pubbies:- people in bar Scenes: Street, reception, consulting room, bar, bedroom, lounge Period: (Adapt to) Present Size: 3 pages Title: The Last Word Type: Humour About: Two men, one wins a bet by cheating, the other gets his own back. Cast: Two men, one woman (same ages) Supporting: People in bar Scenes: Bar, entrance to social security, in cinema Period: (Adapt to) Present Size: 3 pages Title: New Neighbours Type: Light science fiction About: The Sci-Fi club upset their new neighbours, the artists Cast: Narrator, art tutor, chairman, secretary, treasurer Supporting: -artists, sci-fi club members Scenes: Art studio, sci-fi club room, theatre stage Period: (Adapt to) present Size: 3 pages Title: The Last Resort Type: Drama About: James Ponsonby lives off his inheritance, until it runs out. Cast: James, Bookie, (Elderly) Aunt Hilda, (old) Cuthbert, Maid Martha Supporting: Crowd at Horse Racing Scenes: Manor Lounge, Horse Races, Manor Kitchen Period: 1960's Size: 3 pages Title: Ultimate Holidays Type: Drama About: A group of students try to raise some cash by giving dodgy trips. Cast: (Students:) "Professor", "Fearless", "Sally the Sales" Supporting: Other students Scenes: Student's lounge, Centre Reception, Centre Treatment Room Period: (Adapt to) Present Size: 3 pages Title: Genesis Unexpurgated Type: Drama (Possible 60-Second Movie) About: What really happened in the Garden of Eden Cast: (Nude) Adam, (Voice of) God Supporting: None Scenes: Garden of Eden (Woodland) Period: Long Ago, Biblical times Size: half-page Title: Rumour Type: Drama (Possible 60-Second Movie) About: Was the Milkman delivering more than pints? Cast: Milkman, Mrs Ruby Baker, Mrs Samuels, Janet Supporting: None Scenes: Street Period: 1950's Size: half-page Title: Homebrew Type: Drama About: Tom's attempt to save money by making homebrew. Cast: Tom, Mary Supporting: (Tom's friends): Barry, George, several other men, (Mary's friends): Joan, several other women Scenes: Kitchen with big refridgerator Period: Present Size: 2 pages Title: Between Devil and Deep Blue Sea Type: Light Science Fiction About: The Sci-Fi Club are enticed to move to new premises. Cast: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Miss Soushak, David Supporting: None Scenes: Sci-Fi Club Room, Office in Excelsior, (London Night Club), Hall in Excelsior Period: (Adapt to) Present Size: 3 pages Title: On The Transporter Type: Light Science Fiction About: Two old friends who meet up, find they may have more in common. Cast: Narrator, Joe, Bill Supporting: - (optional) Transporter driver, Passing people Scenes: On the Transporter, Outside the Video-Hologramy Period: A future Millenium Size: 1 page Title: Time and Tide Wait for no Man Type: Drama About: When selling photocopiers is more important than the girlfriend's birthday treat. Cast: Frederick, Tania (his girlfriend), Council Officer, Librarian, Taxi Driver, Neighbour Supporting: None Scenes: Kitchen at Home, Frederick's Office, (Outside) Town Hall, Council Office, Restaurant, Librarian's Office, In Pub, In Taxi Period: Present Size: 2 pages Title: Every Picture Tells a Story Type: Drama About: Guided Tour of a Country Mansion and it's history. Cast: Tour Guide (male or female), American (male or female with accent) Supporting: Others in tour party Scenes: On the grand staircase, with portraits on wall Period: Present Size: 1 pages Title: The Cookery Lesson Type: Drama About: Different people faced with the challenge of cooking. Cast: John, Brian, Steve, Kylie, Maurice Supporting: None Scenes: Corridor outside Domestic Science room Period: Present Size: 6 pages Title: Two Women Climb a Mountain Type: Romance About: Memories of a philosophical conversation inspired by the scenery and the company. Cast: Clare, Grace Supporting: Warden (one-handed ex-cowboy), Iranian Scenes: Base of Mount Shunda (Canadian Rockies), Scenes at various points on mountainside, cabin on mountain top Period: Present Size: 6 pages Title: The Good Old Days Type: Domestic Drama About: A family that are befriended by a cat. Cast: Father, Knacker's Man, Mother, Son, Daughter, Supporting: The Jones' Cat and Kittens Scenes: Bedroom, Breakfast Room, Back Yard and Alley, Street of Terraced Houses Period: 1930's Size: 4 pages Title: A Rainy Day Type: Drama About: A holiday romance turns violent Cast: Robbie, Laura Supporting: Hotel Proprietor Scenes: Hotel Restaurant, Robbie's hotel room, Laura's hotel room Period: 1990's Size: 2 pages Title: Best Friend Type: Romance About: Some school friends date a smart young man. Cast: Belinda, Marion, Betty, Hiro Supporting: Background people in scenes Scenes: Night Club, Back row of Cinema, Canteen, Evening outside shops Period: Present Size: 2 pages Title: Complaint Type: Drama About: A little black dress that has a fault and has to be taken back. Cast: George (husband), Hilda (wife), Shop Assistant, Shop Manageress, Company Receiver Supporting: Other shoppers Scenes: Lounge at home, In shop Period: Present Size: 2 pages Title: Trafalgar Transposed Type: Drama (Possible 60-second film) About: A dialogue between Lord Nelson and Hardy Cast: Nelson, Hardy Supporting: Other Ships Crew Scenes: Destroyer's Control Room Period: Modern Size: 2 pages Title: Jail Author: Paul Clarke Type: Drama (Possible 60-second film) About: 20 years of married life Cast: Husband, Wife Supporting: None Scenes: Bedroom, Kitchen Period: Modern Size: 1 page Title: Fancy That Author: Scott Bailey Type: Thriller About: Husband's unexpected encounter with drug dealers and corrupt copper Cast: Husband, wife, young daughter, corrupt policeman, drugs dealer1, drugsdealer2 Supporting: People in bar Scenes: Living room, remote lane, outside pub Period: Modern Size: 5 pages Title: Divine Solution Author: Dapo Owalabi Type: Drama About: A husband who comits adultery and seeks forgiveness Cast: Husband, wife, daughter, manager, workmate1, workmate2, workmate3 Supporting: Vicegirl1, vicegirl2, vicegirl3, etc Scenes: Living room, bedroom, office, bar, ... Period: Modern Size: 65 pages Title: Eye Contact Title: View from the Window |
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