Luton Movie Makers The First LUTONARIUM Exhibition will be held at the Hat Factory on Saturday 1st May 2010 from 1.30pm to 4pm. It will consist of many screens, each displaying movies about Luton and including coverage of People, Places and Events. It will cover many of the people and groups that make Luton Tick. These are mainly volunteers, organisers and activists. Luton gets an undeserved bad press for the actions of a minority, here we show the better side of what goes on thanks to the silent majority. Entry will be free. The club, which meets at the Hat Factory every Thurday evening, has recently made several comedy movies including Holmes under the Hammer, Inspector Strapp of Scotland Yard and Mad Doctor gets the Rat. Scott Bailey has completed his epic 56-minute thriller, Spirits. We need more actors for these so if you want some fun, come along. We have produced several Anaglyph 3D (cyan-red glasses) short movies such as Mystic Mountain and have tried various conversion processes on existing movies to convert them to 3D with mixed success. The AGM will be held on Thursday 29th April. Contact: 01582 508616 ------------- Paul Clarke (Treasurer) Email: For Luton Movie Makers Website: