Luton Movie Makers As a new (revived) club, one of our main priorities is recruitment and we have been fortunate to get a notice in the "social diary" section of both of the local free advertiser newspapers every week for over a year. This has brought a slow but steady string of enquiries and a few people who have actually turned up at meetings and become regular members. Our two recent public shows, "Town and Gown Short Films" (jointly with Luton University students) and "Warriors of Hastings", Scott Bailey's Historic Feature Film, went down well with the reasonable sized audiences of 20 and 60 respectively. We raised £40 for Keetch Cottage Hospice. We thank all those who contributed. The shows have given us more publicity and attracted a few new members. We are fortunate to have free use of the E-Learning Centre for weekly meetings. This facility is one of the Governments "City Learning Centres" that are aimed at improving the public's use of computers. We share it's use with schools, clubs, boy scouts and other local community groups. The centre has put on several free courses for us, including ones for the use of iMac computers and iMovie and one for Digital Music Making. This has lead us into making backing music for our films. So if you hear strange sounds at the Triangle, it will be our homemade music. The centre also provides Internet facilities, camcorders, projectors, interactive whiteboards and a large 15 foot screen, a sound studio with digital synthesis, mixing and recording facilities. It has recently installed a "blue screen" which we have yet to use. At present membership is free and this leads to a membership fluctuating on a weekly basis. Many members, such as students, turn up once a year when there is a subject of interest to them. Our membership tends to be younger than that of nearby NTR clubs. We do occasionally get members from other clubs drop in to join us for meetings and if you see anything of interest in our programme (at you are welcome to visit. It's free.