Luton Movie Makers

Sundon Park Community Centre, 210 Sundon Park Road, Luton LU3 3AP
Volunteer Scheme
The Volunteer Scheme
The Volunteer Scheme is intended for those who wish to learn about movie making,
computers, computer networking and digital multimedia in an informal way as a spare time
Voluntary helpers are needed to film local community events and clubs with the emphasis
on arts, heritage and sport. Help will be given at all stages.
Some filming will need to be done during evenings (e.g 6pm-10pm).
- Plan the film - Subject - Approach - Liaison with group to be filmed
- Take the film onsite
- Edit the film and process it digitally.
- Prepare film for playing over the network.
- Work in pairs or on own.
- Two half-days per film - 100+ films planned each year.
2) BENEFITS: for the helpers are
- Training in use of camcorders, computers, digital film making, preparing webpages.
- Practical filming done on site (at clubs)
- Processing done at club meetings.
- Benefits: Subsistence and travel expenses (See Claim Form) .
- Other benefits: Written reference, free copy of film(s) on video tape as "show reel".
- Volunteers should be 18yrs or older.
- Because of the nature of video and its processing, volunteers should not be blind or deaf.