Sundon Park Community Centre, 210 Sundon Park Road, Luton LU3 3AP
Tel: 01582 599310 E-mail: Website:
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 22 September 2004
Held at Sundon Park Community Centre 7.30pm
Paul Clarke (Acting Chairman)
Scott Bailey
Sylvester Jacobs
Wayne Johnson
Daniel Bailey
and two others
The Acting Chairman described the aims of the club and explained how the original committee (Chairman: Matt Love, Secretary: Hugh Byrne) had resigned and how he had continued the club as acting chairman.
The Acting Chairman presented the Annual Report for 2003 (see Appendix 1).
The following committee members were elected:
Chairman:- Scott Bailey
Secretary:- Sylvester Jacobs
Treasurer:- Paul Clarke
Junior Representative:- Daniel Bailey
Member:- Wayne Johnson
At this point, Scott Bailey took the Chair
The new Treasurer noted that the accounts were a draft issue and were unsigned and unaudited (see Appendix 2). They were produced to give the meeting an idea of the small sums of money involved. He advised the meeting that they should not be approved.
The Accounts for 2003 were not approved. The new Treasurer said that he would complete the accounts for 2003 as soon as possible.
The plans for 2004 were even more ambitious than 2003. This was because we have obtained some grants for production of films and for purchase of a video projector and hire of the Library Theatre for showing the films.
A draft budget had been produced (see Appendix 3). It was noted that our income would be even higher now because of an additional grant received. A list of planned and active projects and their status was described (see Appendix 4). The Provisional programme, up to the end of 2004 was reviewed (see Appendix 5). A draft list of events and societies in the Luton area that we might film for the Heritage Video Project was discussed (see Appendix 6).
There was much discussion about a new commission by the Luton Borough Council Road Safety Unit. Those present wanted the film to be a "club effort" with as many members as possible participating.
Scott Bailey made the point that we should make more films for competitions so that we got wider recognition.