Luton Movie Makers

Sundon Park Community Centre, 210 Sundon Park Road, Luton LU3 3AP
Tel: 01582 599310 E-mail: Website:

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 6 April 2005
Held at Sundon Park Community Centre 7.30pm

Present: Scott Bailey (Chairman), Paul Clarke, Sue Clarke, Tony Coutinho, Wayne Johnson

  1. Apologies for Absence

  2. Apologies were received from Sylvester Jacobs.

  3. Minutes of the last AGM

  4. The minutes of the last AGM (see Appendix 1) were read and approved.

  5. Matters Arising
  6. The subjects of subscriptions and recruitment were raised and added to Any Other Business.

  7. Treasurer's Report
  8. The Treasurer presented the unaudited accounts for the year ending (see Appendix 2) and explained each item. The accounts were approved unanimously.

  9. Chairman's Report
  10. The Acting Chairman presented the Annual Report for 2004/5 (see Appendix 3). After some discussion, it was decided that the club should give John Robertson a book token and card of thanks, for acting as a judge at the two Triangle competitions. Agreed unanimously.

  11. Election of Officers
  12. The following committee members were elected:

    Chairman:- Scott Bailey
    Secretary:- Sue Clarke
    Treasurer:- Paul Clarke
    Junior Representative:- Daniel Bailey
    Members:- Wayne Johnson, Tony Coutinho

  13. Future Programme
  14. Plans for 2005/6 (See Appendix 4) were discussed. The emphasis on certain activities were decided (as shown by the red "x"s in Appendix 4). It was decided to enter only one team in the Triangle competition 2006. We are still waiting to know what is happening about the "Road Safety Film" commission by the Luton Borough Council Road Safety Unit. Paul is to determine the current status.

  15. Any Other Business
  16. Two issues were raised and discussed:

    1. Subscriptions; After much discussion it was decided to introduce annual subscriptions that would help us to meet costs and provide more services. Proposal:- The annual subscription will be £10 with an entry fee of £1 for visitors and casual attenders. Proposed by Sue Clarke, Seconded by Tony Coutinho, passed unanimously.
    2. Recruitment; Scott Bailey proposed an Open Day to help recruitment. Additionally we agreed to attract new members by putting on movie shows, contributing to the "For Word" festival in November and continuing to display posters.