Luton Movie Makers
/o 39 Bampton Road, Luton LU4 0DD Tel: 01582 508616
E-mail: Website:
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 29 April 2010
Held at the Hat Factory, 7.00pm
Members: Scott Bailey (Chairman), Sue Clarke (Secretary), Paul Clarke (Treasurer),
Frank McPartland, Peter Farrow, Dapo Owolabi, Nina Nelson, Elizabeth Haruna
Non-Members: None
Apologies for Absence
No Apologies were received.
Minutes of the last AGM
The minutes of the last AGM (see Appendix 1) were taken as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising
- Subscriptions
. As the balance account only showed a small loss and there were no new expenses, it was agreed that annual subscriptions should remain at £12.50 for the coming year. After two complementary visits, potential new members, and visiting non-members, will continue to pay £1 at the door.
Club Premises. Frank McPartland had investigated various potential club premises where we could store equipment, including one in Dunstable. He was currently looking into Jumble Fresh. The investigation will continue. Paul and Peter are still prepared to help with getting a grant for this when suitable premises have been found. We still have the need for secure storage of club equipment.
Little Theatre: Frank McPartland noted that the Little Theatre were now too busy putting on their own plays to get more involved with film.
Luton Heritage Filming: Paul Clarke had drafted a pre-proposal for Heritage Lottery Funding. We were advised that this was not going to be acceptable. Paul noted that Heritage Lottery only seemed prepared to fund activities which were not in our (or any other applicant's) constitution. He also noted that to film peoples life histories (as done by Luton Museum) there was excessive regulations, requirements and paperwork that an amateur group such as ourselves could not meet. Paul asked for further suggestions on how to fund the LMM Archive and the Lutonarium.
Treasurer's Report
Paul Clarke explained each item on the Income and Expenditure Accounts for the year ending 2009/10 (see Appendix 2). The Admin costs were queried and a breakdown was given. The high cost of printer ink was highlighted. It was suggested that recipients should pay £1 for copies of club movies on DVD. The accounts were approved subject to audit.
Chairman's Report
The Scott Bailey read the Annual Report for 2009/10 (see Appendix 3).
Election of Officers
After discussion, there being no other applicants, the following committee members were re-elected:
Chairman:- Scott Bailey
Secretary:- Sue Clarke
Treasurer:- Paul Clarke
Ordinary committee members volunteered and were elected:-
Members:- Frank McPartland, Peter Farrow
and New member Elizabeth Haruna (for Social Events)
Future Programme
Possible activities for 20010/11 were discussed.
Current Activities were reviewed.
- Film Library/Archive: Paul Clarke agreed to continue running this
and to maintain reference listings on the website. It was noted that there was a problem with updating the website at present.
- Casablanca Club Filming
: It was agreed to continue Casablanca Club (Film in an Evening) and that it should be better planned and structured. They should continue on one or more evenings a month (as per programme)
- Annual Club Competitions
: There are six a year, which include Drama, Comedy, Documentary, Recorded Performance (Unedited), Holiday/Travel, and Nature. After alternatives had been discussed, it was agreed that they should continue (as per programme).
Proposed New Activities were discussed.
- Script Writing:
Elizabeth Haruna suggested that we do more script writing. She had missed the script writing workshop (on 22 October 09). We can include more of this in our programme if someone is prepared to organise it. Scott Bailey noted that storyboarding was useful in this context.
- Digital Editing:
Nina Nelson asked if we could have more editing for beginners. It was pointed out that next week's meeting was on "Magix for Beginners" by Frank McPartland. Frank noted that he would not be available so would have to postpone
- Alternative Venues:
. Nina asked if we could occasionally use alternative venues, such as the pub at which we met when the Hat Factory was not available or in the countryside. It was agreed to include these in the "social" events.
Any Other Business
- Facebook, Twitter
: It was asked if we should have a presence on social networking websites, and whether it would raise our profile and help recruit new members. Paul noted that currently the club website was informational for members and visitors and not for entertainment or chit-chat. We have links to member's online movies. Similarly we could have links to Facebook and/or Twitter. The discussion was inconclusive when the meeting ended.