Luton Movie Makers
/o 39 Bampton Road, Luton LU4 0DD Tel: 01582 508616
E-mail: moviemakers@freeuk.com Website: www.moviemakers.freeuk.com
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 26 April 2007
Held at the Hat Factory, 7.00pm
Members: Scott Bailey (Chairman), Sue Clarke (Secretary), Paul Clarke (Treasurer),
Tony Coutinho (Committtee), Frank McPartland, Pedro Morais, Dapo Awolabi
Non-Members: Johanna Hakanen, Aliakbar Campwala, Paul Mitchamson, Rob Sherriff,
Vadim Podgurski, Steven Soares, Antony Elmes, Dan Stephenson
Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Matt Love who is working in the Far East.
Minutes of the last AGM
The minutes of the last AGM (see Appendix 1) were taken as read.
Matters Arising
Subscriptions. It was noted that since the last AGM, the club had not incurred any additional expenditure for holding meetings which are now primarily held at the Hat Factory Cultural Network so it was agreed that subscriptions should remain at £12.50 for the coming year.
Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer explained that our bank account had been transferred from Sundon Park Community Trust to Lloyds Bank. He presented the unaudited accounts for the year ending 2006/7 (see Appendix 2) and explained each item. The accounts were approved subject to audit.
Chairman's Report
The Chairman read the Annual Report for 2006/7 (see Appendix 3).
Election of Officers
After discussion, there being no other applicants, the following committee members were re-elected:
Chairman:- Scott Bailey
Secretary:- Sue Clarke
Treasurer:- Paul Clarke
Members:- Tony Coutinho
Future Programme
Possible activities for 2007/8 (See Appendix 4) were discussed. Each of the Current Activities was reviewed. It was decided to continue all except for the use of Sundon Park Community Centre.
- The Centre could not guarantee us a room for our autumn club competitions as it does not now take bookings for more than a month ahead. Frank suggested we use the Hat Factory. It was agreed that the committee should find and book an alternative room at competitive rates.
- It was decided that, as well as club competitions, we needed "review meetings" to give feedback to movie makers at various stages of production.
- Paul Clarke agreed to continue running the film library/archive and to maintain listings on the website. He explained that items are only released with the originators permission.
- Paul Clarke agreed to continue making the film for Sundon Park Centre Trust as a personal commitment rather than a club one.
- It was agreed that, as originally intended, the Casablanca Club filming should be kept to short films that could be completed in an evening and everyone should be given a chance to bring scripts, have a go and learn from their mistakes. It was noted that we would still need longer filming sessions for making club films for competitions.
The Proposed New Activities were discussed.
- From the last AGM, Club Premises - This was needed for storage and permanent setup of facilities such as blue screen or green screen. We need to locate suitable premises. Sue Clarke said that public money had been put into the E-Learning Centre and Hat Factory and we should use these. Scott explained that we already use these but because of restricted access times, lack of equipment storage and hence long setup times we needed our own premises. The Luton Borough Council Register of Available Commercial and Industrial Premises was shown as a source. Prices and viewing would be needed. A grant would be needed to fund the premises. It was agreed that the committee should progress this.
- Tony, Pedro & Dapo proposed that Daytime Meetings be held with emphasis on beginner / introductory "help" in movie making. It was agreed to try to arrange these weekly in addition to the existing evening meetings at the Hat Factory.
- Paul Clarke proposed that we buy some New Equipment. This could include (i) a DVD Duplicator and DVD Printer for producing DVDs in bulk. Several members said that they would use such equipment. Paul also proposed we buy (ii) an Upscaling DVD / VHS player and recorder which would let us view DVDs at High Definition quality and possibly upscale existing DV tapes to HDV. It would also allow us to provide a tape-to-DVD service for members and the public. A leaflet about this was circulated. We would need a grant to buy the equipment. Nothing was agreed about this (ii).
- Frank McPartland proposed Luton Heritage Filming. We would need to get a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to interview and film people in Luton to help preserve its heritage. It was agreed that this was a good idea. It was suggested that we could all start by filming our elderly relatives who have lived in Luton.
- Scott Bailey proposed that we buy Special Effects, which could be used with blue/green screen to improve our films. He showed examples from a magazine. The effects cost £20 per 100 or £180 for all 1000 on 13 DVDs and are copyright free. There was also FX Home which cost £90. A club licence would be needed. No-one objected to this proposal.
- Any Other Business
There was no other business.