Luton Movie Makers

c/o 39 Bampton Road, Luton LU4 0DD Tel: 01582 508616
E-mail: Website:

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 10 April 2008

Held at the Hat Factory, 7.00pm


Members: Scott Bailey (Chairman), Sue Clarke (Secretary), Paul Clarke (Treasurer),

Frank McPartland, Dapo Awolabi, Peter Farrow

Non-Members: Aliakbar Campwala, Steven Soares, Antony Elmes, Dan Stephenson

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. No apologies were received.

  3. Minutes of the last AGM
  4. The minutes of the last AGM (see Appendix 1) were taken as read.

  5. Matters Arising
  6. (a) Subscriptions. As there were no new expenses, it was agreed that subscriptions should remain at £12.50 for the coming year.

  7. Treasurer's Report
  8. The Treasurer presented the unaudited accounts for the year ending 2007/8 (see Appendix 2) and explained each item. The accounts were approved subject to audit.

  9. Chairman's Report
  10. The Chairman read the Annual Report for 2007/8 (see Appendix 3).

  11. Election of Officers
  12. After discussion, there being no other applicants, the following committee members were re-elected:

    Chairman:- Scott Bailey

    Secretary:- Sue Clarke

    Treasurer:- Paul Clarke

    Members:- Tony Coutinho

  13. Future Programme
  14. Possible activities for 2008/9 were discussed.

    Current Activities were reviewed. It was decided to continue all.

    1. Paul Clarke agreed to continue running the film library/archive and to maintain listings on the website. He explained that items are only released with the originator’s permission.
    2. It was agreed that, as originally intended, the Casablanca Club filming should be kept to short films that could be completed in an evening and everyone should be given a chance to bring scripts, have a go and learn from their mistakes. It was noted that we would still need longer filming sessions for making club films for competitions.

    Proposed New Activities were discussed.

    1. From the last AGM, Club Premises - This was needed for storage and permanent setup of facilities such as blue screen or green screen. It was requested that enquiries should be made about storage space at the Hat Factory. We should also pursue obtaining permanent club premises.
    2. The Daytime Meetings with emphasis on beginner / introductory "help" in movie making had been held but there was a poor response from those who had requested it, so it had terminated.
    3. Frank McPartland proposed we work closely with the little Theatre in Dunstable. There was no general conclusion about this.
    4. There was a request to put on shows at the University. It was explained that we had done this in the past, but there was a poor response.

  15. Any Other Business
  16. There was no other business.