Luton Movie Makers

c/o 39 Bampton Road, Luton LU4 0DD Tel: 01582 508616
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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 14 April 2011

Held at the Hat Factory, 7.00pm


Members: Scott Bailey (Chairman), Sue Clarke (Secretary), Paul Clarke (Treasurer),

Committee: Frank McPartland, Peter Farrow, Elizabeth Haruna

Other Members: Nina Nelson

Non-Members: Lawrence Fagbayi, Graham Matthews

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Apologies were received from Steven Williams.

  3. Minutes of the last AGM
  4. The minutes of the last AGM (see Appendix 1) were reviewed and taken as an accurate record of the meeting.

  5. Matters Arising
    1. Subscriptions. After some discussion, it was agreed that annual subscriptions should remain at £12.50 for the coming year. As before, after two complementary visits, potential new members, and visiting non-members, will continue to pay £1 at the door.
    2. Frank McPartland Subscriptions. Frank McPartland had donated £100 to the club, which he had received from a Dunstable music group for filming services he had provided. In thanks for this, it was decided that Frank should be given five years free membership of the club.

  6. Treasurer's Report
  7. Paul Clarke explained each item on the Income and Expenditure Accounts for the year ending 2010/11 (see Appendix 2). The accounts were approved by all those present. It was noted that the club did not have any third party insurance and there was some discussion about this. It was thought that the Hat Factory's (LCST's) public liability insurance covered our meetings.

  8. Chairman's Report
  9. The Scott Bailey read the Annual Report for 2010/11 (see Appendix 3).

  10. Election of Officers
  11. After discussion, there being no other applicants, Peter Farrow proposed and Nina Nelson seconded, that the committee members were re-elected. This was approved unanimously.

    Chairman:- Scott Bailey

    Secretary:- Sue Clarke

    Treasurer:- Paul Clarke

    The Ordinary committee members, who wished to continue, were also re-elected:-

    Committee Members:- Frank McPartland, Peter Farrow, Elizabeth Haruna (Social)

    It was noted that there were only three other members in the club. There was discussion as to whether Steven Williams, who had expressed his willingness to join the committee, should be put on the committee. It was decided to ask him why he wanted to join the committee. It was noted that his work took him away from the area for long periods.

  12. Future Programme
  13. Possible actions and activities for 20011/12 were raised and discussed.

    1. New Members: It was suggested that a new-member form should be used to record member's details. Action: PC
    2. Guest Speakers: It might be possible to get a speaker from AKM, who sell music recordings for film. Action: PC
    3. Free Advertising: The local press provide free advertising in several forms, Club Review, List of Clubs and Clubs and Community activities. We should also try local radio and "Local News TV". We should make more use of these. Action: The Committee.
    4. Open Evening: We could invite newcomers and show them what the club does, including showing some films. Action: The Committee.
    5. Talk on Copyright: There was a discussion on who has copyright when filming in various locations, etc. We need to keep up with the latest rules. Action: The Committee
    6. Policing of Filming: Several members had been stopped filming by the police. We need clarification on this and need someone who can tell us the reasons. Action: The Committee.
    7. Alternative Venues:
      (1) Social events: We discussed having barbecues, Christmas meal, meetings in pubs, watching 3D TV in Sky Pubs (e.g. The Boater), meetings in the countryside. It was agreed to investigate these. These could be family events. The Treasurer advised that the club could provide money to fund the event and that a small charge could be used to recoup this or even to make it a fundraising event. Action: EH.
      (2) Scout Facility: Graham Matthews noted that he may be able to obtain the use of a Scout hall near Studham at a reasonable price, also there was a wooded campsite with barbecue area and suitable for filming. Action: GM to check, SB to visit.
    8. List of Equipment: There is a list of club equipment that is available for loan to members. Some members may wish to loan their own equipment to the club or to other members, with or without supervision. A list of such equipment should be produced. Action: PC

  14. Any Other Business

There was no other business.