Luton Movie Makers

c/o 39 Bampton Road, Luton LU4 0DD Tel: 01582 508616
E-mail: Website:

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Held on 12 and 19 April 2012

Held at the Hat Factory, 6.30pm


Members: Scott Bailey (Chairman), Paul Clarke (Treasurer)

Committee: Frank McPartland

Other Members: Lawrence Fagbayi

Non-Members: Graham Matthews, Elizabeth Haruna (Part of time), Anthony Elmes (Part of time)

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Apologies were received from Sue Clarke.

  3. Minutes of the last AGM
  4. The minutes of the last AGM (see Appendix 1) were reviewed and taken as an accurate record of the meeting.

  5. Matters Arising
    (a) Re. 7a. Action about New Members:
    PC noted that there had not been any new members during the year. So a new-member form had not been used.
    (b) Re. 7b. Action about Guest Speakers: PC had not contacted AKM about getting a speaker on their music. Action continued: PC
    (c) Re. 7c. Action about Free Advertising:
    The committee had done little about getting free advertising for the club in the form of; Newspapers' Club Review, List of Clubs and Clubs and Community activities, local radio and "Local News TV". Action continued: The Committee.
    SB also offered to set up a Facebook page for the club and a Youtube account.
    ACTION: SB also agreed to contact the local newspapers.
    (d) Re. 7d. Action about Open Evening: It was noted that Alex had been invited to the club. The committee had done nothing about arranging an Open Evening for newcomers and showing them what the club does, showing some films. Action continued: Committee.
    (e) Re. 7e. Action about Talk on Copyright:
    The committee had done nothing about keeping up with the latest rules on copyright when filming in various locations, etc. Action continued: The Committee
    (f) Re. 7f. Action about Policing of Filming
    : The committee had done nothing about getting someone who can tell us the reasons why members had been stopped filming by the police. We still need clarification on this. Action continued: The Committee.
    (g) Re. 7g. Action about Alternative Venues:

    (1) Social events: EH had done nothing to arrange barbecues, Christmas meal, meetings in pubs, watching 3D TV in Sky Pubs (e.g. The Boater), meetings in the countryside. Action discontinued as EH is no longer a member.
    (2) Scout Facility: Graham Matthews noted that we can use the Scout hall and woods near Studham at a reasonable price. SB had not visited the facility. Action continued: SB to visit.
    (h) Re. 7h. Action about List of Equipment:
    PC had not contacted members about making a list of their own equipment that they are prepared to loan to the club or to other members, with or without supervision. PC said that he did not have time to do this.

    (3ii) Subscriptions. After some discussion, it was agreed that annual subscriptions should remain at £12.50 for the coming year. As before, after two complementary visits, potential new members, and visiting non-members, will continue to pay £1 at the door.

  6. Treasurer's Report
  7. Paul Clarke explained each item on the Income and Expenditure Accounts for the year ending 2011/12 (see Appendix 2). The accounts were approved by all those present. SB was concerned that Admin expenses were too high and suggested further reduction in the production of DVDs for members.

  8. Chairman's Report
  9. Scott Bailey read the Annual Report for 2011/12 (see Appendix 3). Some minor corrections and additions were made.

  10. Election of Officers
  11. Sue Clarke resigned as Secretary. None of the members present offered to take her place. It was suggested that we ask Peter Farrow upon his return.

    After discussion, there being no other applicants, the following were re-elected:-

    Chairman:- Scott Bailey

    Treasurer:- Paul Clarke

    The Ordinary committee members, who wished to continue, were also re-elected:-

    Committee Members:- Frank McPartland, Peter Farrow (in his absence)

  12. Future Programme
  13. (a) Current Activities carried Forward

    It was agree to continue the IAC NTR Triangle competition, but without meetings at Luton.

    PC stated that he was prepared to continue running the Digital Movie Archive.

    PC, the project leader, noted that the Cultural Olympiad project had money left for one more "Lutonarium" exhibition and would then be completed.

    SB agreed that he would be continuing his feature filming.

    (b) Programme for 2012/13

    The draft programme for 20012/13 was commented upon. It was decided to continue, on a monthly basis the film in an evening / Casablanca Club sessions. It was noted that the draft programme was revised monthly and sent to those on our email list.

    ACTION 7b1:- SB and FM to investigate some premises suggested by Graham Matthews.

    ACTION 7b2:- SB to contact Dapo about showing of his film while incomplete.

    ACTION 7b3:- SB to contact an actor to give the club a talk.

    ACTION 7b4:- FM to contact Nigel, a Director, to give the club a talk.

    ACTION 7b5:- FM to contact some University students to get them to join us.

    ACTION 7b6:- The Committee to contact Ali to get him to give us a talk about the making of the latest film in which he was involved in producing.

    FM offered to give the club a talk about tripods.

    Graham Matthews offered to give us a talk about Copyright.

    Elizabeth Haruna said that she had a friend who could give us a talk about makeup for film.

    There was discussion about getting speakers to talk about distribution, editing for the older generation, and problems encountered when film making.

  14. Any Other Business
  15. No other business was discussed.