The Archive contains recordings of events, people and places mainly in Luton. There are over 1350 digital movies of Luton and other movies of general interest. The main coverage is from 1998 onwards but there is also some restored cine footage going back to the 1960's. This is a unique collection of recordings many of which are about Luton, Bedfordshire. They have mostly been digitised, but the original media formats, such as Cine Tape, VHS/C, VHS, Hi8, S-VHS, MiniDV, HDV, AVCHD are also held. There are also some digital computer generated animation files. The movies in this archive vary in duration and quality, ranging from a few minutes to six hours or more. The listings are at three levels of detail. At the most detailed level a few of the short movies have links to online files which are viewable, e.g. on Youtube.

Before movies are released, the permission of the author is sought. If you are interested in obtaining copies, contact us, using the Comment Box Link at the foot of this page. State intended use for movie.

Level 1: List of All Movies with Date and Title

Level 2: List of All Movies with Date, Title, Length, Author, Record format, Distribution format (Over 200KB. Too large to print.)

Level 3: Lists of Movies with links to detailed descriptions and media contents:
                    [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003] [2002] [2001] [2000 and earlier]

Printable Movie Lists

Printlist 1: Printable Listing of The Luton Archive with Date and Title (MS Word6/95 Doc)

Printlist 2: Printable List of All Movies with Date and Title (MS Word6/95 Doc)

Printlist 3: Printable List of All Produced Movies with Date, Title, Author and running time (MS Word6/95 Doc)

Movie Categories

Category 1: Produced Movies

Category 2: Movies under Development

Category 3: Movies about Swimming

Category 4: Raw Video for "The Way We Are" for Anglia TV 30/4/04-1/5/04

Movie Indeces

Index 1: Author Index to Movies

Index 2: Person Index to Movies

Index 3: Group Index to Movies

[Comment Box]

Last Revised: 26 Jun 16